PO Anonymous Mafia Tournament
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Post by Human Destroyer Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:20 pm



  • 3 Mafia Goons
  • 2 Werewolves
  • 6 Townies
  • 1 Seer


  • Day start
  • The Mafia team does not possess a nightkill
  • Seer receives results in the form of Werewolf/Not Werewolf
  • Please take note of the special endgame mechanics:
  • The mafia or werewolves win if they obtain a full majority of living players, or if they make up half and at least one protown role is still alive.
  • If the mafia and werewolves ever make up equal numbers, with no protown roles left alive, then mafia win. Mafia also win if a day phase begins with one mafia, one werewolf, and one protown.


Mafia Goon

  • Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Goon, along with your partners, [Player Name] and [Player Name].


  • Factional communication: During the night phase you may talk with your partners here [QuickTopic link].

Win condition: You win when at least half of the living players are mafia, or when nothing can prevent this from happening.


  • Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Werewolf, along with your partner, [Player Name].


  • Factional communication: During the night phase you may talk with your partner here [QuickTopic link].

  • Factional kill: Each night phase, you or your partner may perform the group nightkill.

Win condition: You win when at least half of the living players are werewolves and at least one pro-town role remains, or if you obtain full majority, or when nothing can prevent this from happening.

Vanilla Townie

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Vanilla Townie.


  • Your weapon is your vote, you have no night actions.

Win condition:

  • You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

Town Seer

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Seer.


  • Each night phase, you may investigate one player in the game by PM'ing the mod. You will get results back in the form of Werewolf/Not Werewolf.

Win condition:

  • You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

Human Destroyer
Human Destroyer

Posts : 19
Join date : 2013-06-14


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