PO Anonymous Mafia Tournament
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Jungle Republic - Game Over

Kurt Hummel
Blaine Anderson
Mercedes Jones
Sunshine Corazon
April Rhodes
Mike Chang
Emma Pillsbury
Sebastian Smythe
Marley Rose
Finn Hudson
Ian Brennan
15 posters

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Ian Brennan Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:50 pm

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Last edited by Ian Brennan on Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:19 am; edited 10 times in total
Ian Brennan
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mike Chang Sun Jun 23, 2013 2:39 pm

Actually Now you are the 99th reply(i checked the topic)

so this is the 100th reply while other games are at 25-40, we got the most fun game out of them all

I think kurt did Unvote Seb but im not sure
Mike Chang
Mike Chang

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Finn Hudson Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:42 pm

Mike Chang wrote:Oh Nu! Someone voted me D1 and im going to die ! oh wait, rands at d1 never lynch and they dont catch scum,

So nah Smile

So at first he starts off with a really bad defense to the first vote against him. This isn't even completely true in the first place. This is where I want to put pressure on him and get more information to see if he is just a village idiot or perhaps scum.

Mike Chang                                                                                                                       Oh yea, Please vote me!
I dont see how you guys missed the detail that mafia CANT KILL , so if we get WW we can get them, this sounds like a mafia trying to put attention that is on him onto WW's that we have no lead on yet.

Anyway If you guys want to try to get me then feel free, your loss will be more than me, Does it hurt to be full of activity? It's the quality of posts that counts, not the quantity.

Oh yea and Finn, I am not tagging along with you, I am stating FACTS ABOUT THE SHOW Wink 

and oh yea vote Kurt Hummel

I find the fact that just after i posted about hunting WW I got arround 4 votes, 3 of them in quick sucession, Is mafia trying sheep effect? cus it wont work on me,
Also remeber that we all here are FORUM MAFIA Xperts

Couldn't have said it better myself! Since we are all experts even if we were Mafia (Which I don't know about Kurt or Blaine but I'm not) then we wouldn't make  such an obvious mistake. Doing something like that is basicly suicide. So again it looks like you are trying to push the blame on us, which is exactly what I was looking for.

(even though I dont know who you are really but judging the full players list) so its not like if i said about hunting ww means im mafia , its just that the mafia is going to try to get away with it,

If you got anything other than that, I find that I am the only one that didnt post 2 liners and voted in day one without a reason, My vote is more like aimed at a person of the 3 persons that just agreed with each others suddenly on voting me which screems (scum scum scum)

That's what I dug from that post

Sunshine Corazon wrote:Finn is pretty scummy. His flip from cautiousness to "lol chang is super obvious mafia" Not exactly how I really was intending to say it, but you have to admit that he is making bad posts and providing no justification or defense to himself. As far as I've seen he really is looking scummier every post he makes!
Mike Chang wrote:Just hearing you guys makes me wander who you really are :>

Honestly I think Finn is kinda over reacting, also saying hunting ww wihtout adding mafia would not really be by any chance something scummy to say for 2 reasons, the scum cant kill and the mafia really wouldnt take such a risk The entire point behind me digging into that post is that a mafia (who I realistically think you are) would 1) possibly forget to include his own team and 2) try to make the WW's look like the bigger threat, to make himself look like a lesser threat.

Mike Chang wrote:Wait, just because Sebastian said that the voteon me is not really needed he gets voted,, that logic..

I am Confused now, I am also sure there are some scum bh those votes, As The village been going mad, and we will not win if we go mad without actual scum hunting so as you can see you are currently being hunted, you want us to hunt yet you complain when you are being hunted. That is excellent logic.

Marley Rose wrote:Also bringing up the importance of seer, in hopes that we take the clue. It seems like an off play, truly. Though from his current play (which is scatterbrained and messy) it'll be difficult to expect and take his word to it. 

Pulling off his "plan that's so crazy that it might just work" card really pits me in a dilemma on whether or not to have him lynched out.

I am almost certain that he is bluffing, I doubt he has a plan. I think he just can't work well under pressure and is trying to save himself.
Finn Hudson
Finn Hudson

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mike Chang Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:07 pm

Finn Hudson wrote:
Mike Chang wrote:Oh Nu! Someone voted me D1 and im going to die ! oh wait, rands at d1 never lynch and they dont catch scum,

So nah Smile

So at first he starts off with a really bad defense Lol I wasnt even defending, everyone was randing a vote and i was like Yay ! Razz to the first vote against him. This isn't even completely true in the first place. This is where I want to put pressure on him and get more information to see if he is just a village idiot or perhaps scum. You know nothing my dear student

Mike Chang                                                                                                                       Oh yea, Please vote me!
I dont see how you guys missed the detail that mafia CANT KILL , so if we get WW we can get them, this sounds like a mafia trying to put attention that is on him onto WW's that we have no lead on yet. Again you missed the point <3 

Anyway If you guys want to try to get me then feel free, your loss will be more than me, Does it hurt to be full of activity? It's the quality of posts that counts, not the quantity.If you got nothing to work on then create some, I have made 3 more scum reads just by acting scummy Smile

Oh yea and Finn, I am not tagging along with you, I am stating FACTS ABOUT THE SHOW Wink 

and oh yea vote Kurt Hummel

I find the fact that just after i posted about hunting WW I got arround 4 votes, 3 of them in quick sucession, Is mafia trying sheep effect? cus it wont work on me,
Also remeber that we all here are FORUM MAFIA Xperts

Couldn't have said it better myself! Since we are all experts even if we were Mafia (Which I don't know about Kurt or Blaine but I'm not) then we wouldn't make  such an obvious mistake.Isn't the same told to me? If i make it that clear ill be suiciding, If I was mafia I would prob stay silent and just answer with something without any dangers like Vote XXX for abc imaginary reasons Doing something like that is basicly suicide. So again it looks like you are trying to push the blame on us,Your posts are not that exeptionally weird but you provide no real logic behind you  accusing which is exactly what I was looking for. I got some nice things too

(even though I dont know who you are really but judging the full players list) so its not like if i said about hunting ww means im mafia , its just that the mafia is going to try to get away with it,

If you got anything other than that, I find that I am the only one that didnt post 2 liners and voted in day one without a reason, My vote is more like aimed at a person of the 3 persons that just agreed with each others suddenly on voting me which screems (scum scum scum)

That's what I dug from that post

Sunshine Corazon wrote:Finn is pretty scummy. His flip from cautiousness to "lol chang is super obvious mafia" Not exactly how I really was intending to say it, but you have to admit that he is making bad posts and providing no justification or defense to himself. As far as I've seen he really is looking scummier every post he makes!  Yet you remeber not very long ago a legend called Metal Sonic was sighted... Razz Also anther Legend called Marcello was there too. If you guys are here Props to you for giving my confusion of the year! Also there is waehofen. Dont you see something in this patern? well I am saying this now, If you end up waehofen or MS ill go hung my self on a tree because you would have double personallitys UNLESS you are mafia *Smiles*
Mike Chang wrote:Just hearing you guys makes me wander who you really are :>

Honestly I think Finn is kinda over reacting, also saying hunting ww wihtout adding mafia would not really be by any chance something scummy to say for 2 reasons, the scum cant kill and the mafia really wouldnt take such a risk I dont know about you but you ignored the danger on your supposed partner and didnt go threw it because well you cant, legit  The entire point behind me digging into that post is that a mafia (who I realistically think you are) would 1) possibly forget to include his own team and 2) try to make the WW's look like the bigger threat, to make himself look like a lesser threat.Not really, If i were a mafia i would just Lurk arround and playing passive while throwing a vote each now and then, if you see I am the most active Play on the whole Forum mafia tornament ATM. If i was mafia this is like asking to get lynch by getting alot of scum reads on me, but sadly i am town and being mafia would have been fun Wink

Mike Chang wrote:Wait, just because Sebastian said that the voteon me is not really needed he gets voted,, that logic..

I am Confused now, I am also sure there are some scum bh those votes, As The village been going mad, and we will not win if we go mad without actual scum hunting so as you can see you are currently being hunted, you want us to hunt yet you complain when you are being hunted. That is excellent logic. Hunting one player that can end up as a villger will end up with a scum > villiger count , ww kills a villiger and BAM - 4 villgers - 3 mafia and 2 ww . If the seer was alive you could kil 1 ww and one villger die (best case) and you end up with 1 ww 3 mafia 3 villigers

now mafia > villiger and they win  ! Sad
lets see anther case
Hunting one player that was caught as a ww
6 player 3 mafia 1 ww
ww kills 2 before seen by the seer
4 players(1 over seer) and 3 mafia,
With seer you got a clean lead, and as people get cleaned the mafia gets more cornered, as of now i know at least 2 players who are clean, And i am sure of it

Marley Rose wrote:Also bringing up the importance of seer, in hopes that we take the clue. It seems like an off play, truly. Though from his current play (which is scatterbrained and messy) it'll be difficult to expect and take his word to it. 

Pulling off his "plan that's so crazy that it might just work" card really pits me in a dilemma on whether or not to have him lynched out.

I am almost certain that he is bluffing, I doubt he has a plan. You will be surprised my friend, I wander how fast i will die this game, i would prefare first night because of that at least i can get something out of it I think he just can't work well under pressure and is trying to save himself.Again seriosly whatever you was you will try to save your self, but I am not doing ti the bad way, I am actually Putting mroe info in the game than you guys, as You got slips on me I DID BY PURPOSE, I gained Slips on people like Braine That oh btw you didnt even look at his scummy post, you dont want to expose your team mate? and dont try to cover it up now its getting pretty clear now, also you change of vote was clearly due to agreement with your ally in the mafia, Braine confirmed it DIRECTLY and said "WE DID IT FOR FUN- WE WERE PLANING TO REMOVE IT LATER" this is the match i was looking for , so here you guys see me find the first scum of the game, Ah remeber If i die or get lynched to get this Braine Smile and possibly this guy, I dont mind really
Mike Chang
Mike Chang

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mike Chang Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:10 pm

Ah and finn, If you plan to ignore any of the points i said dont reply at all, it will make things worse for you:)
Mike Chang
Mike Chang

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Finn Hudson Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:45 pm

Mike Chang wrote:
Finn Hudson wrote:
Mike Chang wrote:Oh Nu! Someone voted me D1 and im going to die ! oh wait, rands at d1 never lynch and they dont catch scum,

So nah Smile

So at first he starts off with a really bad defense Lol I wasnt even defending, everyone was randing a vote and i was like Yay ! Razz to the first vote against him. This isn't even completely true in the first place. This is where I want to put pressure on him and get more information to see if he is just a village idiot or perhaps scum. You know nothing my dear student

Mike Chang                                                                                                                       Oh yea, Please vote me!
I dont see how you guys missed the detail that mafia CANT KILL , so if we get WW we can get them, this sounds like a mafia trying to put attention that is on him onto WW's that we have no lead on yet. Again you missed the point <3 and your point is?

Anyway If you guys want to try to get me then feel free, your loss will be more than me, Does it hurt to be full of activity? It's the quality of posts that counts, not the quantity.If you got nothing to work on then create some, I have made 3 more scum reads just by acting scummy Smile So you admit to acting scummy. Why would it be bad to pursue a scummy player to gain more information?

Oh yea and Finn, I am not tagging along with you, I am stating FACTS ABOUT THE SHOW Wink 

and oh yea vote Kurt Hummel

I find the fact that just after i posted about hunting WW I got arround 4 votes, 3 of them in quick sucession, Is mafia trying sheep effect? cus it wont work on me,
Also remeber that we all here are FORUM MAFIA Xperts

Couldn't have said it better myself! Since we are all experts even if we were Mafia (Which I don't know about Kurt or Blaine but I'm not) then we wouldn't make  such an obvious mistake.Isn't the same told to me? If i make it that clear ill be suiciding, If I was mafia I would prob stay silent and just answer with something without any dangers like Vote XXX for abc imaginary reasons Doing something like that is basicly suicide. So again it looks like you are trying to push the blame on us,Your posts are not that exeptionally weird but you provide no real logic behind you  accusing which is exactly what I was looking for. I got some nice things too Why don't you share this with the rest of us? It doesn't do you good to claim you know something but not tell everybody else.

(even though I dont know who you are really but judging the full players list) so its not like if i said about hunting ww means im mafia , its just that the mafia is going to try to get away with it,

If you got anything other than that, I find that I am the only one that didnt post 2 liners and voted in day one without a reason, My vote is more like aimed at a person of the 3 persons that just agreed with each others suddenly on voting me which screems (scum scum scum)

That's what I dug from that post

Sunshine Corazon wrote:Finn is pretty scummy. His flip from cautiousness to "lol chang is super obvious mafia" Not exactly how I really was intending to say it, but you have to admit that he is making bad posts and providing no justification or defense to himself. As far as I've seen he really is looking scummier every post he makes!  Yet you remeber not very long ago a legend called Metal Sonic was sighted... Razz Also anther Legend called Marcello was there too. If you guys are here Props to you for giving my confusion of the year! Also there is waehofen. Dont you see something in this patern? well I am saying this now, If you end up waehofen or MS ill go hung my self on a tree because you would have double personallitys UNLESS you are mafia *Smiles* Why does everybody care so much at who is who? The entire point of this is to see how we play with people we don't know.
Mike Chang wrote:Just hearing you guys makes me wander who you really are :>

Honestly I think Finn is kinda over reacting, also saying hunting ww wihtout adding mafia would not really be by any chance something scummy to say for 2 reasons, the scum cant kill and the mafia really wouldnt take such a risk I dont know about you but you ignored the danger on your supposed partner (Whether it is supposed or not, I have no partner except my fellow villagers/seer) and didnt go threw it because well you cant, legit  The entire point behind me digging into that post is that a mafia (who I realistically think you are) would 1) possibly forget to include his own team and 2) try to make the WW's look like the bigger threat, to make himself look like a lesser threat.Not really, If i were a mafia i would just Lurk arround and playing passive while throwing a vote each now and then, if you see I am the most active Play on the whole Forum mafia tornament ATM. If i was mafia this is like asking to get lynch by getting alot of scum reads on me, but sadly i am town and being mafia would have been fun Wink

Mike Chang wrote:Wait, just because Sebastian said that the voteon me is not really needed he gets voted,, that logic..

I am Confused now, I am also sure there are some scum bh those votes, As The village been going mad, and we will not win if we go mad without actual scum hunting so as you can see you are currently being hunted, you want us to hunt yet you complain when you are being hunted. That is excellent logic. Hunting one player that can end up as a villger will end up with a scum > villiger count , ww kills a villiger and BAM - 4 villgers - 3 mafia and 2 ww . If the seer was alive you could kil 1 ww and one villger die (best case) and you end up with 1 ww 3 mafia 3 villigers (One problem with that logic, I don't think you are a villager or if you are then you admitted to being a bad one! "I have made 3 more scum reads just by acting scummy"

now mafia > villiger and they win  ! Sad
lets see anther case
Hunting one player that was caught as a ww
6 player 3 mafia 1 ww
ww kills 2 before seen by the seer
4 players(1 over seer) and 3 mafia,
With seer you got a clean lead, and as people get cleaned the mafia gets more cornered, as of now i know at least 2 players who are clean, And i am sure of it

Both of these scenarios require an extremely precise turn of events, including you being a villager which I seriously doubt.

Marley Rose wrote:Also bringing up the importance of seer, in hopes that we take the clue. It seems like an off play, truly. Though from his current play (which is scatterbrained and messy) it'll be difficult to expect and take his word to it. 

Pulling off his "plan that's so crazy that it might just work" card really pits me in a dilemma on whether or not to have him lynched out.

I am almost certain that he is bluffing, I doubt he has a plan. You will be surprised my friend, I wander how fast i will die this game, i would prefare first night because of that at least i can get something out of it I think he just can't work well under pressure and is trying to save himself.Again seriosly whatever you was you will try to save your self, but I am not doing ti the bad way, I am actually Putting mroe info in the game than you guys, as You got slips on me I DID BY PURPOSE, I gained Slips on people like Braine That oh btw you didnt even look at his scummy post, you dont want to expose your team mate? Blaine and Sebastian are both likely scum but I get the strongest scum read from you! and dont try to cover it up now its getting pretty clear now, What? also you change of vote was clearly due to agreement with your ally in the mafia, Braine confirmed it DIRECTLY and said "WE DID IT FOR FUN- WE WERE PLANING TO REMOVE IT LATER" (I have no idea what Blaine is talking about, or even who "we" is.) this is the match i was looking for , so here you guys see me find the first scum of the game, Ah remeber If i die or get lynched to get this Blaine Smile and possibly this guy, I dont mind really
Finn Hudson
Finn Hudson

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mike Chang Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:51 pm

Insteed of quoting that cluster of text ill give u answers here :

1- I got info that i will share when i get enough leads, for now we already have a topic and thats called me Smile

2- SO you justify that our losing chance is bigger if we hit mafia first instead of ww by saying that requires me being villiger which isnt true? that feels dumb.

Also instead of *again* saying you got nothing about the we i consider that the biggest scum lead we got, He widely admitted he worked with his PARTNER  togather to put a vote for Fun, Well that vote was on me so i am cleaned of one scum team, Smile (untill we get the other one)

Now Do you have any questions>?
Mike Chang
Mike Chang

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Finn Hudson Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:01 pm

1; You claim to have acted scummy, so why should we trust any supposed leads that you have? Also you claim that you will tell them once you get more leads, when you can't talk at night and the WW's will probably want you dead if you have any information, unless you are one.

2; Since you think Blaine is scum, (So do I for that matter) who do you think is/are his partner[s]?

3; What cleans you of being on Blaine's team if he is a Mafia or WW? You could always be on a team with him and blaming at each other be your strategy, this is not too uncommon of a strategy.
Finn Hudson
Finn Hudson

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Emma Pillsbury Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:41 pm

from page 4--
Marley Rose wrote:I just read over this again and Mike Chang continues to dig in his hole deeper. 

Mafia may not be able to kill, but they're still against the village nontheless. The only way they can win is by posing as village or hoping the werewolf picks off the rest.

His aligning towards village and leaving off mafia leans him towards scum being that he knows that we need to look for the werewolf and he needs to go under radar as mafia-scum. I'm fairly confident that Mike Chang is scum and why my vote will stay on him... also he called my face weird.

Also, RVS is how things start here. I'm surprised how you guys reacted so violently towards it. I expected a tad more.

I do agree that Finn Hudson and Sebstial Hummel Smythe do seem scummy when paired together with the blatant parroting, but Mike Chang did no good of defending himself that well. 

But in reality, we really do need to hunt the werewolf. Biggest threat to the town right now. I'd much prefer bashing it out verbally without the pressure of being dismembered.. and maybe raep'd.
sorry about quoting sucha big post, but I cannot tell If Marley is showing a scum tell or just tuneling to much, Mike is scum for wanting to hunt WereWOlf and yet Marley is town for not?? make up youre mind
Emma Pillsbury
Emma Pillsbury

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Emma Pillsbury Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:42 pm

Marley is town for the same reason*?

typo Smile
Emma Pillsbury
Emma Pillsbury

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Kurt Hummel Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:18 pm

Yeah sorry Emma I meant to bold that unvote 
So that should make some more sense...if any at all
Kurt Hummel
Kurt Hummel

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Emma Pillsbury Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:38 pm

No post in 3hours.......

wheres dave? April and Jesse need topost more too
Emma Pillsbury
Emma Pillsbury

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Blaine Anderson Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:21 am

My case on Mike is overtly simple.

As he seems to be defending himself and attacking his attackers instead of the points, it seems difficult to elicit a genuine breakdown from him.

Let me just give a simple, un-questionable and clear 3 points that can let this scum quiver to the ground. Are we ready?

1. Mike is too obvious. His general inexperience is too obvious. We can easily tell that he is new to Forum Mafia based on three things: >His inability to write fluent English, > His quoting of walls of text, and >He replies to his attackers by writing inside the quotes.

This implicates him because: It explains his failure to defend himself adequately after the RVS votes; additionally it explains his extreme nervousness and panic after getting 4 instant votes for a "joke" reason.

2. Mike is too obvious. He is clearly and definitely ZZZX, on the PO forums. Lynch me if I'm wrong. His lack of use of proper punctuation limits the amount of possible players to a few, namely Metal Sonic, ZZZX, waehofen and Meowmix. By process of elimination, and unless one of these four players decide to change their meta for this tournament, the only possible player for this slot is ZZZX. Furthermore, "analize"

This implicates him because: Firstly, it sets a borderline for my deductive skills, implying that I am an experienced town player capable of finding clues and hunting scum. Secondly, it directly discredits Mike's ability to be able to "hide himself" which I will detail in the next point. Lastly, he is not playing to his town meta.

3. Mike is too obvious. He is leaking out "I am scum!!" so much that only a poorly-trained eye or a scum aligned player would not notice this. As stated in the previous point, it is shown that Mike is unable or fairly weak at hiding or keeping his emotions. It seems that getting a mafia role in this game(5/12 chance, almost 50%) is too exciting for him, most probably because he has never played one before. Furthermore, his inability of hiding his emotions means that he involuntarily leaks extreme scum tells. Of course, this is only a bonus for us so we should take this opportunity for the easiest scum ever. Other more experienced players will be a lot harder to hunt. 

This implicates him because: Scum do not have daytalk, only nighttalk(read the setup). He cannot be coached in the day, only in pre-game which I suspect had nothing much going on anyway, so now Mike is on his own and has no idea how to defend or react to the extreme pressure votes put on him. As a result, this causes his poor performance and his scum-buddies unable to give him much large hints or what to do without revealing themselves. So apparently Mike is one lost scum who is unsure of what to do and we should grab him before he gets coaching in the night.

tl;dr : Mike is obviously new. Mike is obviously ZZZX. Mike is obviously scum.

It's nice of him to post so much in the game; I have never built a case on a player so early in the day before.
Blaine Anderson
Blaine Anderson

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Blaine Anderson Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:26 am

Mike Chang wrote:Well Also good thing i remebered 

Unvote - vote Blaine

Its not only we, he said they planned to remove the vote, and he wasnt hte one who put the vote first,

Also, attacking your attacker. OMGUS. 

Grand and dandy. Keep up the good work, Mike.

I hope your scum buddies are going crazy right now.
Blaine Anderson
Blaine Anderson

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Marley Rose Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:52 am

I do agree to the fact that he seems like a flustered newbie, but do we eliminate the possibility that his "bluff" could be be viable and his reaction to the votes poorly illustrated his panic in being voted out immediately with such given role? 

The moment he brought up the possibility that his lynch would cost the town an important role, which I assume he implied to be the seer, Emma Pillsbury quickly buddied up with Mike Chang despite his erratic behavior. 

vote Emma Pillsbury
Marley Rose
Marley Rose

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:59 am

Mike Chang
Mercedes Jones wrote:
-His claim that his initial post was a reaction test is completely undermined by the fact that he only mentioned it after posting three consecutive times. My not mention it at first? Most reaction tests usually takes up to a FULL DAY, i dont think 3 posts are enough to pull reactions, well it took 3 posts untill they started talking and started making clear mistakes to me. I might be looking like i am making mistakes but you do not know "yet" what is going on, I havent explained it yet. Also i got a read on most of these guys if that matters

You've entirely missed my point. The thing that makes it implausible is the fact that you made three consecutive posts, and didn't decide to mention that it was a reaction test until the 3rd one. Seems to me you're just trying to pass off a mistake as a deliberate and calculated move.

-Says that he has not been supported by any mafia buddies. However, Sebastian backed him up earlier,He said a fact that the 2nd person CLEARLY and without any questioning replied within 7 minites just saying I agree and votes without even trying to explain anything or ever think about them, dont you think someone looks scummy for try to throw any vote and let his allys join in to make an effect? I think so at least and did so without really contributing much to the town.

Though it is believable that Sebastian had no intention of backing up Mike, the fact that Mike now leaps to Sebastian's defence, doing so while more or less quoting points that I (and others) have already raised back at me, is interesting

Mike's done nothing to suggest that he is town, despite strongly proclaiming his supposed pro-town position.

He bombards the thread with countless posts, mostly consisting of sarcastic drivel, that attempt to discredit legitimate scumhunting, rather than attempting to debate the accusations against him. He then turns around and claims his activity is "pro-town" apparently disregarding the fact that massive quantities of crap posts aren't really helpful. Quality>Quantity.

He makes numerous appeals grounded in emotion and rhetoric (Stuff along the lines of "When you lynch me you're going to be very shocked"). This doesn't get the village anywhere. Logic does. And you're not providing much of it (that isn't horribly flawed at any rate).

I guess I'll explain why the momentum against you is well-founded (Though I shouldn't really have to), seeing as you really don't seem to get it. When the wagon against you initially formed, we were still largely in RVS. The fact that you'd made the wws slip gave some indication that this might be worthwhile place to start probing. So they did, to see how you reacted, and boy was it scummy. People don't want to lynch you solely because of you're first post- it's predominantly because of your subsequent reactions.

Blaine also seems suspicious. I'm inclined to believe that was a legitimate scumslip he made. Although I dismissed him earlier, as he had provided more substantial reasoning than the others who bandwagoned Mike, his posts do come across as being those of someone who is concerned with raising points against possible scum, but not fully investigating them.

Time to cut the crap and go with my top scumread though. unvote
Vote Mike Chang

Question time!

Marley, what are your thoughts on Finn, Kurt and Blaine?

Sunshine, who are you thinking might be town?

Emma, you seem wary of the movement against Mike. Why is that? Or is that an inaccurate assessment?
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:14 am

Blaine Anderson wrote:My case on Mike is overtly simple.

As he seems to be defending himself and attacking his attackers instead of the points, it seems difficult to elicit a genuine breakdown from him.

Let me just give a simple, un-questionable and clear 3 points that can let this scum quiver to the ground. Are we ready?

1. Mike is too obvious. His general inexperience is too obvious. We can easily tell that he is new to Forum Mafia based on three things: >His inability to write fluent English, > His quoting of walls of text, and >He replies to his attackers by writing inside the quotes.

This implicates him because: It explains his failure to defend himself adequately after the RVS votes; additionally it explains his extreme nervousness and panic after getting 4 instant votes for a "joke" reason.

2. Mike is too obvious. He is clearly and definitely ZZZX, on the PO forums. Lynch me if I'm wrong. His lack of use of proper punctuation limits the amount of possible players to a few, namely Metal Sonic, ZZZX, waehofen and Meowmix. By process of elimination, and unless one of these four players decide to change their meta for this tournament, the only possible player for this slot is ZZZX. Furthermore, "analize"

This implicates him because: Firstly, it sets a borderline for my deductive skills, implying that I am an experienced town player capable of finding clues and hunting scum. Secondly, it directly discredits Mike's ability to be able to "hide himself" which I will detail in the next point. Lastly, he is not playing to his town meta.

3. Mike is too obvious. He is leaking out "I am scum!!" so much that only a poorly-trained eye or a scum aligned player would not notice this. As stated in the previous point, it is shown that Mike is unable or fairly weak at hiding or keeping his emotions. It seems that getting a mafia role in this game(5/12 chance, almost 50%) is too exciting for him, most probably because he has never played one before. Furthermore, his inability of hiding his emotions means that he involuntarily leaks extreme scum tells. Of course, this is only a bonus for us so we should take this opportunity for the easiest scum ever. Other more experienced players will be a lot harder to hunt. 

This implicates him because: Scum do not have daytalk, only nighttalk(read the setup). He cannot be coached in the day, only in pre-game which I suspect had nothing much going on anyway, so now Mike is on his own and has no idea how to defend or react to the extreme pressure votes put on him. As a result, this causes his poor performance and his scum-buddies unable to give him much large hints or what to do without revealing themselves. So apparently Mike is one lost scum who is unsure of what to do and we should grab him before he gets coaching in the night.

tl;dr : Mike is obviously new. Mike is obviously ZZZX. Mike is obviously scum.

It's nice of him to post so much in the game; I have never built a case on a player so early in the day before.

What poor posting so far. Not only does this post signify how badly we are playing right now, it is quite possibly the most speculative and off-base post I have ever read. Not just related to mafia. Ever.

The problem with this post is that it relies on inherently unsound evidence that doesn't even begin to reach the realm of making sense. In fact, the evidence used by Mr. Anderson is evidence that scum use and that no real villager would ever use. Let's look at all three points.

1 - Quoting walls of text and responding to quotes inside text = scum? Granted, I dislike it when people respond inside quotes as it is difficult to follow, but the point is that in no way means Mike is scum. Neither does not typing fluid English. Your logic is "because Mike plays in a certain arbitrary way I dislike he is scum based on my arbitrary choice." I had no idea quoting walls of text shows how nervous you are. Can you give me the list that you use to decide what posting techniques = scum or town?

2 - RELYING ON META IN AN ANONYMOUS GAME - THERE'S NO WAY THAT COULD BACKFIRE. The very act of trying to determine which person is which alias is off-the-charts scummy. We don't want people to know who a certain individual is. You are basically giving the wolves the ability to namekill by the very act of speculating on aliases. There is no benefit to trying to do determine aliases. So that in itself is quite scummy. Your second point in #2 makes no sense. What does the identity of a person have to do with ability to "hide themselves." What is the ability to "hide themselves" anyways? Meta is a poor argument in any case, made even poorer in an anonymous game.

3. Emotion isn't a scumtell. Sorry. Emotions mean absolutely fuck all. Mike could be a nervous mafia or a nervous town who doesn't want to be lynched. It's WIFOM. The basis of your entire argument revolves around "he is emotional." It is an incredibly basic and beginner argument, that, while is not the worst argument, is most certainly not the strongest.

Tunneling day 1 is so silly when we need to cover as many bases as possible. Your inability to talk about anyone else seems to suggest you really want Mike out now. It's town to make an argument for someone as scum. It isn't town to spend the entire day 1 against a single player when we've got no information to work with. You are strangling our attempts to get shit done; please stop, move on, and let's find some other scum, ok?

That being said, Mike's posting has been poor but not in the sense that it was "emotionally off-base." His posting has been incredibly unclear and vague in the sense that I can barely tell what he is trying to say. Why isn't he mafia? I'm not sure since he won't give me an answer. Focusing on people posting 7 minutes of each other is probably as much of a scum tell as quoting walls of text.

Vote Jesse St. James - More attention needs to be paid to afk players. We can't afford having people taking 2-3 day breaks from playing.

e: new posts

OMGUS isn't a scum tell either. The meaning has become so diluted that considering it a scum tell should be scummy (I certainly would, but most people haven't seemed to realize that yet).

Good post by Mercedes there, but I am confused as why you think Andersen isn't fully investigating his suspicions, especially considering his last two most recent posts.
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Blaine Anderson Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:18 am

Marley Rose wrote:I do agree to the fact that he seems like a flustered newbie, but do we eliminate the possibility that his "bluff" could be be viable and his reaction to the votes poorly illustrated his panic in being voted out immediately with such given role? 

The moment he brought up the possibility that his lynch would cost the town an important role, which I assume he implied to be the seer, Emma Pillsbury quickly buddied up with Mike Chang despite his erratic behavior. 

vote Emma Pillsbury

Are you implying that he is trying to pull a Metal Sonic as in SOHV?

He is too inexperienced to do that. It is more likely that he received a mafia role, got flustered when we put votes on him, then made a quick attempt to adopt the Metal Sonic approach in order to "make him seem like a PR", when he is simply a mafia role desperately trying to worm his way out yet not knowing how to.

Besides, he's doing it wrong.

My comment on the "we" issue: I speak on behalf of the town. RVS votes were going to removed anyway in normal circumstances. This bad reaction does not constitute a "normal circumstance".
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:27 am

lol Mike as seer. I actually hadn't considered that, I just kind of assumed he was talking shit in order to dissuade us from voting him. I can actually see how that explains his scummy actions, but one thing I'm curious in is his claim to be experienced. Why would he claim that, especially when his actions clearly suggest otherwise? What would he be trying to gain?

I'm leaving my vote as is, seeing as it still seems more likely that he is scum, given how anti-town his play has been, but I'll be keeping an eye on where this goes. I may end up changing my mind

@April I didn't see his posts until my latest post, and when I went to post, I didn't really look through the messages, since I'd already spent a while making that post. I agree though, using poor grammar as an argument for scum among other things is absolute rubbish. The entire post demonstrates shitty reasoning and suggests mafia. That is one baseless wall of text.
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Blaine Anderson Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:38 am

April Rhodes wrote:1 - Quoting walls of text and responding to quotes inside text = scum? Granted, I dislike it when people respond inside quotes as it is difficult to follow, but the point is that in no way means Mike is scum. Neither does not typing fluid English. Your logic is "because Mike plays in a certain arbitrary way I dislike he is scum based on my arbitrary choice." I had no idea quoting walls of text shows how nervous you are. Can you give me the list that you use to decide what posting techniques = scum or town?

Can you please read the part where I wrote: Where it implicates him? Must I put it in bold? Or did you not read and just throw a bunch of insensible deflections hoping that it invalidates my point.

I wrote a wall of text; its for you to read and digest, not for you to skim and retort.

Let me repeat again since your eyes skip long walls of text: Quote long walls of text -> inexperienced ->Does not know how to respond to RVS votes ->Responds to them in a scummy way.

April Rhodes wrote:
2 - RELYING ON META IN AN ANONYMOUS GAME - THERE'S NO WAY THAT COULD BACKFIRE. The very act of trying to determine which person is which alias is off-the-charts scummy. We don't want people to know who a certain individual is. You are basically giving the wolves the ability to namekill by the very act of speculating on aliases. There is no benefit to trying to do determine aliases. So that in itself is quite scummy. Your second point in #2 makes no sense. What does the identity of a person have to do with ability to "hide themselves." What is the ability to "hide themselves" anyways? Meta is a poor argument in any case, made even poorer in an anonymous game.

You entirely missed the point, again. Read my post please.

Mike is so bad at hiding his meta that a good scumhunter such as myself could easily tell his alias. Maybe he is not planning on hiding his meta?

The point is, if he cannot learn to hide his meta or playstyle, then it is even more difficult to hide his scumminess. Do you disagree that his reaction to the RVS votes was bad? My theory for this is because he has no idea how to respond to them as mafia. 

April Rhodes wrote:Emotion isn't a scumtell. Sorry. Emotions mean absolutely fuck all. Mike could be a nervous mafia or a nervous town who doesn't want to be lynched. It's WIFOM. The basis of your entire argument revolves around "he is emotional." It is an incredibly basic and beginner argument, that, while is not the worst argument, is most certainly not the strongest.

Tunneling day 1 is so silly when we need to cover as many bases as possible. Your inability to talk about anyone else seems to suggest you really want Mike out now. It's town to make an argument for someone as scum. It isn't town to spend the entire day 1 against a single player when we've got no information to work with. You are strangling our attempts to get shit done; please stop, move on, and let's find some other scum, ok?

That's it. I'm not going to justify this bullshit with a response. I've explained enough for the first two points. Please read my post two more times to grasp and understand it fully.

Mercedes, my theory for this is that he is a mafia trying to emulate Metal Sonic in "Streets of Hill Valley" in order to prevent himself from being lynched. I am participating in that game at the moment, and even though I cannot speculate about an ongoing game, I can certainly say that him being "Experienced" is false. This is the second ever Forum Mafia game he is playing concurrently and his first game, SOHV, is only on Day 2.

Go figure.
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Blaine Anderson Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:42 am

Let me clarify:

Mike is unable to hide his emotions - If you agree with this proceed to the next statement

Mike is therefore showing his true emotions - If you agree with this proceed to the next statement

Mike is acting scummy - " "

Mike acting scummy must be his true emotions - " "

Mike must be scum.

Not a very difficult logical leap, is there? Can I treat you guys as experienced and wise players or must I spell everything out for you?
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Sebastian Smythe Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:08 am

Mike, you're not helping yourself by bringing up situations that occurred earlier in and game, and have literally no relevance to the current situation now. The first vote on you was just because of RVS, partially being due to Finn saying you're tagging along for tagging along with him (saying your character was friends with Finn in the actual show). As he mentioned, it was simply for reactions (which you reacted rather poorly to) and it pretty much went downhill for you from there. 

Also, buddying between Emma and Mike is evident on page 7, Emma seemingly agreeing with Mike's points from early in the game, which I mentioned are nearly irrelevant now.

Emma Pillsbury wrote:from page 4--
Marley Rose wrote:I just read over this again and Mike Chang continues to dig in his hole deeper. 

Mafia may not be able to kill, but they're still against the village nontheless. The only way they can win is by posing as village or hoping the werewolf picks off the rest.

His aligning towards village and leaving off mafia leans him towards scum being that he knows that we need to look for the werewolf and he needs to go under radar as mafia-scum. I'm fairly confident that Mike Chang is scum and why my vote will stay on him... also he called my face weird.

Also, RVS is how things start here. I'm surprised how you guys reacted so violently towards it. I expected a tad more.

I do agree that Finn Hudson and Sebstial Hummel Smythe do seem scummy when paired together with the blatant parroting, but Mike Chang did no good of defending himself that well. 

But in reality, we really do need to hunt the werewolf. Biggest threat to the town right now. I'd much prefer bashing it out verbally without the pressure of being dismembered.. and maybe raep'd.
sorry about quoting sucha big post, but I cannot tell If Marley is showing a scum tell or just tuneling to much, Mike is scum for wanting to hunt WereWOlf and yet Marley is town for not?? make up youre mind

I believe the difference is the votes on Mike for trying to get Werewolf earlier, and the votes were put on him to put pressure on him. It's fairly obvious Werewolf are the bigger threat to the town due to being able to kill, unlike the mafia. 

Due to the buddying shown between Mike and Emma, I'm going to go ahead and 

Unvote Kurt Hummel
Vote Emma Pillsbury

(Also I'll get to the points on what Blaine made about Mike in a bit; I just wanted to get this out of the way for now).
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:20 am

Ok, I've had a closer look at your argument and I'll clarify my thoughts on it. I agree that Mike comes across as new, not because of the formatting of his posts or anything like that (I don't think I'd want to rely on those for any argument), but because the massive and irrational overreaction to RVS.

I'd definitely hesitate to rely on alias speculation, it seems very shaky and potentially unreliable.

Your last paragraph does have much of it's argument in Mike's somewhat emotional posting, which could just as easily be village freaking out over getting mislynched. It doesn't necessarily indicate anything. 
I don't want to excuse Mike, I agree that he's looking new and scummy, I just find your reasoning a fair bit off.

Anyhow, I've got some IRL stuff coming up that will occupy a lot of time (for the remainder of this week), so I'll probably not be all that active. Sorry about that
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:21 am

Sorry, that last post was directed at Blaine
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Marley Rose Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:31 am

Blaine is quite interesting, he seems extremely aggressive towards Mike Chang and is decided on having him removed from the game. It's extremely reckless and has had everyone jump on bandwagon with Mike. He called out Mike for his PO alias (which shouldn't be really basis for anything) and has no plans of backing out. This aggressive play is potentially harmful to the town and he should really stop while he's ahead. Calling people out on newbie plays when he himself is making a few mistakes of his own. It'd long-shot but Blaine edges the border of the town right now, which he unfortunately has Mike to thank. 

but seriously Blaine, we get your point. Sheesh.

Finn and Kurt have seemed to dropped under the radar due to this whole Anti-Mike play. Neither have actually been able to put anything on the table except attempt to fit in by throwing out a half-assed observation or attempt to join in obvious bandwagons. Both are just parroting whatever obvious points are thrown out there and are unable to come up with something of their own, they seem to be in their own world, a little detached from the game. Maybe they could be using all this hype to slip under the radar (?)

Inactivity in this game is still a bitch but I'm trying to put two-two and together.
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 5 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Sebastian Smythe Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:35 am

Okay, so clearly Blaine is going all out on Mike now and is trying to rid of him ASAP. Reading through it, I have to disagree with an inability to use proper English as a viable reason to analyze him as scum. However, the implication that you managed to get from that is true, given his overall poor reaction throughout the game since getting voted multiple times in RVS. 

This does not really have anything to do with Mike being scum or not, but honestly, even if a player makes it obvious who their true PO alias is, they should not reveal it publicly for everyone to see. The purpose of this is to see how players function under an alias, and I'd honestly want mentions of PO to stay out of this.

That being said, the fact Blaine was able to discover his true identity rather simply, it shows he can not adjust to a different playstyle, and sticks to the playstyle he uses on PO. 

Overall, it's rather clear Blaine is making it quite obvious he wants Mike out of the game ASAP, but he may be a bit to harsh on him, considering Mike is likely new to forum mafia, and still needs to get a grasp on it 

Also @Mike, you might as well reveal your 'many scumreads' because it looks like at this rate, the bandwagon may catch up to you before you get your say. I also want to see how you react to Blaine's analysis of you, as that may decide your fate
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