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Jungle Republic - Game Over

Kurt Hummel
Blaine Anderson
Mercedes Jones
Sunshine Corazon
April Rhodes
Mike Chang
Emma Pillsbury
Sebastian Smythe
Marley Rose
Finn Hudson
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Ian Brennan Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:50 pm

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Last edited by Ian Brennan on Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:19 am; edited 10 times in total
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:52 am

"to simply put pressure"
should probably be
"partially to put pressure"

also just want to note that people shouldnt read too much into players successfully scumhunting the ww since it is in mafs interests to do so just as much as it is town!

oh and in 5-2 we can afford 2 mislynches just to provide a bit of perspective.
Dave Karofsky
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:37 am

Ok, for now I'm going to vote April Rhodes.

This is because of the strong push against Blaine, contrasted with inactivity on d2. Also, her read on Sebastian on d1 cleared him as town, and didn't provide extensive reasoning, saying only that he was trying to generate discussion. I may expand more later.

I definitely haven't made up my mind though, and will be keeping a close eye on Sunshine and Emma.
Mercedes Jones
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Kurt Hummel Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:07 am

Emma Pillsbury wrote:nightless Very Happy

Everyone, please say, was Finn your top guy for the Werewoolf?
As said I thought just scummy in general, had April for top ww. Due to Finn trying to buddy with me I thought some kind of big mafia trick going to happen. Yet turned out to be ww.

April Rhodes wrote:Responding to Kurt, I will say that is argument has pretty much deteriorated (hey I'm not WW!!), but I will say that I'm not sure why you would consider my early posts to be parroting? I kinda get "under the radar" but then again Sunshine has been "under the radar," but you are giving her a pass for "pro-town" posts. What happened to my posts being pro-town :[

I would also say that my ww arguement on you has been pretty much been destroyed. However as I said I picked out the only bits that gave ww evidence. the reason why i put you on my top scum list was due to the ww evidence i found, the difference with sunshine was she hasnt put much forward to say that she might be scum imo. I said I wouldnt put her on my scum list, doesnt imply pro town, just quite null really.
She should post more.

The problem I have with April is just who her partner would be. As I think the only logical partner would be marley. Liking how marley has gone back to pushing the vote onto Emma like how she did way back in Day 1. I seem to remember one odd bit that Marley said, cant find the post anywhere but it went something like "I'm not going to claim to you" but like really angrily at Mike. Only now seems to fit after Mike's death as seer. Because Marley saying that would only imply someone with power... even though mafia doesnt really it would fit for that..... I bet someone has already used this as evidence....
and i bet i just imagined that quote as well.... I'll try and find the proper one, maybe.
However the thing with Marley is even though people like Sunshine were picking at her posts for being too insubstantial she still comes across as being town whilst gut feeling on april is the opposite.

Dave Karofsky wrote:

oh and in 5-2 we can afford 2 mislynches just to provide a bit of perspective.

we can "afford" them... we just dont really want to. If all we town can survive the better for all of us.
Kurt Hummel
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:12 am

Sorry, I just realised her inactivity on d2 is a weak argument, since we were looking for wws- mafia have every incentive to hunt them, so the fact that she didn't do anything is more likely for legitimate reasons. Though I'm less confident in it, my vote stays where it is for now though.
Mercedes Jones
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:49 pm

I'm not sure how seriously we can take Marley if she's claiming me and Emma were buddying in RVS.

"Buddying is a tactic used to subconsciously become perceived as less of a threat by another player.

This is typically accomplished by the buddying player acting unnaturally friendly to its target, either subtly or outright"

I'm just not really sure I like Marley's entire attitude of "YEAH WTF I was never on that lynch that was all you guys I take no responsibility for that." I'm pretty sure Marley wasn't calling out my posts back in d1 for being "fluffly" so why the change in heart now?

I keep thinking people aren't reading my posts because I have explained things multiple times. I didn't have the opportunity to post more on day 2 due to my schedule. If I had I would've been all over a Jesse lynch. I find it absurd Marley is going around with this air of "yea I was being impartial to find the scum!" There seems to be a lot of flip-flopping on her side, to the point of hypocrisy.

Mercedes, I fucked up my reads on Sebastian and Kurt as they should've been the other way around. Obviously, you probably still find me your top scum read, but I wanted to make that clear.

Dave, I think you are a bit misguided on what "tunneling" means.

"Confirmation Bias or Tunnel Vision is when a player becomes convinced by their own arguments by virtue of how long or how strong they hold them."

The difference between me and Blaine (which I think I explained at least) was of how Blaine was completely convinced of Mike's guilt refusing to entertain any other possibilities. They had a whole 3-5 page series of going back and forth, with Blaine convinced Mike was bad. I was not tunneling because I was completely open to other possibilities of scum, and would've gladly changed my vote to someone else had I been convinced (or convinced myself) that the best lynch was someone else. There is a clear difference on Blaine's push on to Mike and my push on to Blaine (I will try and bring up posts if you are not convinced of this.)

I'm not sure why Kurt wants to excuse inactivity as we are at a point in the game where we can't afford to be doing that. The fact that you have a null read on someone at this point in the game isn't good because it shows they've been sliding under the radar, and usually people who slide under the radar are bad because it is in the mafia's interests to post as little as possible and vice versa. Obviously I'm not saying one sentence posts are good, but 1 post a week isn't cutting it.

I would continue but I have to go now
April Rhodes
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Emma Pillsbury Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:13 pm

Marley Rose wrote:
Emma Pillsbury wrote:
April Rhodes wrote:sexist pig

Vote: Emma Pillsbury

I think you are mafia.
April figured me out.

Vote: Blaine Anderson for voting the Seer.

Starting off nightless with that. My top 2 scumreads as of now.

Though people might not take that seriously, it did start me off a bit with my scumhunt. Most of my claims were based on people's analyses and their reaction towards Sebastian earlier on in the game so here we go.

I'd like to put forward that the scum team is between April Rhodes and Emma Pilsbury with my vote leaning towards Emma.
To begin, I saw this post before, by someone else, I know Jesse, and i think someone in day 1, I have to check it later, feeling says it is Sebastian, the idea is, it was then a clear joke.

Emma Pillsbury wrote:Mike--
Blaine doesnt care about you, he's just off now that his life is in danger if you're not on the other team, he wants an easy mislynch either way. Blaine will discover that I don't make bets like that EVER because it's unethical, Use it to push for a lynch. Or more nonsense logic like on you Smile

pot calls the kettle a Black.

LOL parrot cheep cheep

Another small instance between Emma and April that stood out for me. Emma led the bandwagon on Blaine after the issue between him and Mike resolved, which was opportunistic if you ask me. She used his recklessness and tunneling to work with something and April parroted it then and there. If you read on April's posts about Blaine, you'd notice her pulling stuff out of her ass that's mostly fluff and not really scumreading. It's mostly "He's a bad guy because he's aggressive with scumhunting." "His posts are careless and sloppy." and I do admit that I had to join in the bandwagon due to time pressure, but those two are buddying. I'm confident of it.

Any other player can see that Emma just ignored April parroting and both continued to tunnel Blaine. This due to them being scumpartners. 
I wanted to vote Blaine most of day 1, not the joke part, but if you look to the post Mike found his "we", i say then I saw the we and didn't switch to Sebastian as I was thinking before, ever after that I showed the bad things in Blaine, which i thought was a bad guy. After the Mike Bet Blaine voted me, because I had alot of votes, it looked like definately a wagon vote, he didn't even give reason, obvious scum move. I do not get that he was good, even now, I can't believe that, when I read him.

And you quote a post, I say April is a parrot, you say I "ignored April parroting"?

Sebastian Smythe wrote:Okay, I won't say much about most of the cancerous posts that were posted while I was sleeping, as it is just a huge aggressive argument between Blaine and Mike. The most important thing to note is both of them had completely different thoughts after Sebastian (Hummel) came in and stopped the argument.

Anyway, I have some questions for the two of them involving the sitatuion:


What made you change your viewpoint on Mike to absolute scum to village idiot?

What was your motive for attempting to figure out Mike's PO alias, and revealing it in the game?


What are your current viewpoints on Blaine now, after your heated argument and then completely turning around and unvoting him?

Why do you use Emma as a reference to supporting you during your argument? Honestly it makes it seem like there is buddying going on with both of you.

Regarding the buddying between Emma and Mike, I see a couple possible scenarios:

- Mike is trying to use Emma as a reference in helping to defend himself, Mike could be trying to make Emma flip scum.

- Mike may be trying to get Emma on his side, trying to get her to agree with him to prevent himself from getting voted by her.

Anyways, I'm tired now, I'll respond to more of the discussion tomorrow

On that note, Sebastian had a vote on Emma earlier on, though it wasn't a scumtell vote, it was a vote to add pressure and have her put out the claims. Sebastian Smyth is a good player, though his posting was short lived considering he was killed off first, I am fairly confident that he's the type to pull off a bus like that.

On the quote, I found it highly opportunistic that he jumped on Mike and tried to clean off Emma by putting her as a neutral party rather than a buddy herself. Emma and him might've brushed off the buddying but after the Blaine x Mike fiasco it was fairly obvious that they were buddying just then. Sebastian took this opportunity to retract the vote on Emma and switch focus on someone else. 
This is odd, however, Mike may have more votes at the time, Sebastian was not hard to Jesse when Blaine got the votes, I think he did the same to me, wants to push me for an easy lynch but saw Mike had the votes, and went away. I will look for it too.

Both of them just idly posted when Mike claimed seer accusing Jessie, despite the possibility that Mike was lying was abysmal. They just merely jumped on the bandwagon with little to no effort of scumhunting for a potential partner. Even the two more inactive players, Sunshine and Kurt, managed to bring something to the table unlike the pair. 
You forget Dave, I did much more than April, and if you read again I had as much ideas as Sunshine, probably right on Kurt, but my point is, youre putting me with April because you say so, that is a lie, no facts there. Not to mention, I voted on him then took it back for safety with the no lynch, April didn't vote, you and Finn and Kurt were the last three, the bandwagon claim is a lie again.

There is another idea, but you all need to answer my question, about Finn and the wolf, or it is not so helpful. I see Kurt did, is a good sign.

Mercedes has been acting extremely thorough with her posts. I entertained the possibility of her being wolf because she had complete control and trust on the village and whenever that happens, I'll usually get paranoid. Though with the threat of the wolf eliminated, I'm going to have to push her off as clean, for now, depending on what happens for the initial lynch. 

I would make this more organized and add more evidence but I'm having difficulty with quoting older posts. I apologize. I just took the few instances of parroting and buddying by both. They for me seem the scummiest in the game at the moment and I just wanted to highlight to everyone the possibility that they are the mafia pair.

With that, I'm going to have to..

vote Emma Pillsbury
I think, you and April are the mafia, it is clear by you voting me, your plan--you lynch me, and get a day, you take back the idea, find a new guy, but if the real town finds April, you look good now, you saw her.

I should have before, vote you or April, to get answers of my question, but I was tired :)I think it is safe to make her 3 of 4

vote: April Rhodes
Emma Pillsbury
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty VOTECOUNT 4.1

Post by Ian Brennan Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:45 pm

Emma Pillsbury (1) - Marley Rose (L-3)
April Rhodes (3) - Dave Karofsky, Mercedes Jones, Emma Pillsbury (L-1)
Marley Rose (0) -
Dave Karofsky (0) -
Sunshine Corazon (0) -
Kurt Hummel (0) -
Mercedes Jones (0) -

7 people are playing. 4 votes are required to lynch a player.

Because this setup is nightless, if no player reaches 4 votes before the deadline, plurality will apply and the player with the most votes on them will be lynched.

In the event of a tie between players, whoever received the most votes first (measured starting with the last time they were affected by a vote or unvote) will be lynched.

Deadline is Friday, July 19 at 07:00 GMT +0, approximately 2 days and 12 hours from now.
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Marley Rose Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:19 pm

Emma just put April Rhodes at L-1. That's fun.

Anyways, I won't prematurely hammer this without really analyzing the reactions from my claim. 

I'm not retracting my vote either. 

Despite it being 5 - 2, as Kurt said, we need as much villagers as we can and having as many alive will do good for us. 

I'm gonna get some sleep for now and leave this unhammered, tomorrow I'll probably put in my claims if April hasn't been lynched already.
Marley Rose
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Emma Pillsbury Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:15 pm

Who is going to put the hammer, this setup, no nights? Why does nobody, just Kurt, answer a big question?

When Sebastian said the comment, he was one in three votes of me, look to page 9, probably not wants to vote Mike, but I found out, this is after page 5, where he did the opposite(voted me for posts with Mike), and just after Blaine wagons me.

I found Jesse's post on my RVS vote, it was the day 1, I thought it was Jesse day 2, Jesse posts it day 1 and Mercedes day 2 says it's a bad post, that is why I forgot.
Emma Pillsbury
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:22 pm

I'm honestly really disappointed in the fact that people are not reading my posts and are sticking to whatever biases they may have. It seems my time is running out so I guess I will contribute as much as possible before my final moment Sad

marley wrote:But I'm going with my reasoning and my gut and say

vote Blaine Anderson

marley wrote:I'm appalled at how negatively Blaine is taking the sudden turn of votes. Rather than expanding on the points that people used against him he resorted to flaming and taunting.

You're really making things worse here Blaine

marley wrote:It's mostly "He's a bad guy because he's aggressive with scumhunting." "His posts are careless and sloppy. I do admit that I had to join in the bandwagon due to time pressure

You must have been reading a different game because my posts were absolutely not like that at all. I called him out for guessing people's identities (which, incidentally, you did as well, which I unfortunately missed) and for rejecting any alternative that Mike might be town. Marley is clearly misrepresenting my early day 1 play, which even she thought was townish.

And not only but your claim that you only joined that bandwagon because of time issues is at best really really weak, and at worst, makes you look like you are doubletracking and saying "YEAH I was only involved in that lynch because I had to, not because I wanted to." You made no mention of "time issues in the posts leading up to the lynch, and even admitted that your gut said he was scum. I would have no problem with this, except for the fact you seem to be trying to convey that you were forced into that lynch when it's very clear you weren't.

marley wrote:Sebastian: I almost forgot you were ingame. Most of your posts don't really stand out, lol. Could be that fact that it's hard to notice your original input. You're eye candy. Both in your good looks but your plays as well!

Reading back, this part caught my eye particularly on how noncommittal it was. What exactly is she saying? Nothing, there's no definitive scum-town-null read. At the time, it doesn't seem like much, but given Sebastian's flip it's interesting how little she had to say on him. Maybe it's just me, but I tend to believe that read was a good way of saying something about Sebastian (so it doesn't seem like she is ignoring him) without actually giving a thoughtful opinion on him.

marley rose wrote:If players did what she did then, and just bandwagon on that claim then it's obvious that she has nothing original to bring to the table.

This was a weird part of one of her posts considering a] I didn't jump on the bandwagon and b] The bandwagon ended up lynching a werewolf. You can call it not bringing anything original to the table, or you can call it a case of inactivity (while still being right).

I find that Marley seems to be distancing herself as much as possible for her early day 1 actions and I'm starting to see where Sunshine was coming from with that Day 1 vote. It's probably too late but I am going to go ahead and vote marley rose

Sunshine is still gone so I hope we can get a sub or something.

I'm going to try and present more arguments later tonight so we can get more info out there. Don't hammer until sometime tomorrow so I can do that please Sad
April Rhodes
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Sunshine Corazon Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:57 pm

Hihi. On my phone so no quotes.

Another rant;

• As I said before honestly it was hard to participate in this game because people were using ad hominem and elitism to vote people d1 or to make others look scummy, and frankly that's a crappy way of building a case and not a fun way to play mafia. "You play mafia worse then me, therefore you are scum" is pretty much what was going on

• I was away for the past week and a bit, I thought I would be able to get on (at least more than once) but the trip was just so good so yah.

• not gonna lie; I hate being nightkilled


• I'm feeling a lot less confident in my reads than d1 mostly cause I was probably tunneling seb and marley d1 (seb's dead and marley's post are good content-wise aside from a couple wishy washy things but.... [on that later])

• my biggest scumread/lynch I'm most ok with would be emma
~ NOPE wrote that last night
• I'm fairly sure (despite her odd play) she can't be mafia cause of how seb went after her in the beginning

• But, because I can change my mind depending upon today's lynch and also depending on how serious I see seb's vote (I.E. I NEEDA RE-READ); she constantly misrepresents what people say, and her reads have flipped a bit. e.g. She keeps saying I wanted a no lunch.... But I was suggesting lynch who we felt scummiest (as an alternative if people didn't want to lynch Jesse/mike and were confused[although I was quite confident he was ww]). Also she suggests that I thought mercedes was scum, which is not true.

• so yah I have been looking at how people saw seb and how he saw other people.
And this stuck out to me from marley;
"Sebastian: I almost forgot you were ingame. Most of your posts don't really stand out, lol. Could be that fact that it's hard to notice your original input. You're eye candy. Both in your good looks but your plays as well!"

It sounds so contrived and incoherent as well. As if she is just jumping at stuff to get a non-incriminating read on her partner

• so actually now I'm confident in this read after doing an "iso" except not really an iso in the literal sense of marley;

• and ok for people who are saying they don't get my argument. Really every post of marley's is like "this thing someone did is good, this thing is bad". Read the reads post, marley's posts about a mike-blaine scumteam. Honestly she seems to just leave open vote opportunities on everyone. And that's ok insofar as no-one-is-actually-100%-confirmed-town-to-anyone-else. But so much of what she writes is just wishy washy, as if she calls it town and one stage but then could use it as evidence of being scum.
And I think from a potentially experienced player (which she sounds) town has no reason to do that in such a way. Yeaah

• my point about blaine was that she was so willing to vote what she called a null read. I'll look at this again but that's what I think happened.

• she uses phrases which when I read them I think "wow scum" because her posts sound thought out and artificial. Phrases such as "the sudden turn of votes" and "truly unfortunate" are just stuff that sticks out as so contrived.

• marley jumped on mike before he claimed for not dying. I just note that really at no point does she entertain the idea that mike could be mafia. Not sure what I make of that yet.

• this is what she said earlier "Both of them just idly posted when Mike claimed seer accusing Jessie, despite the possibility that Mike was lying was abysmal." i will probably mention this in a later post in larger detail (WITH QUOTES AN STUFF!) but basically when you look at her reaction to mike/jesse's initial claim she is either not at all/not particularly convinced of mike's claim or is lying so that statement above is a major contradiction, and in reality seems like the truth being bended to accuse people of being mafia.

• vooote marley rose

• sebastian's read post is hard when I'm thinking about it. To me the players he called scum have either flipped town. So I would like to assume that emma is town by POE, but again that can change.
He seems very willing to call mercedes town (although almost everyone was at that stage) and I don't understand how he came up with his read on kurt, seems as if he was grasping for stuff but that may be more indicative of seb's alignment then kurt's. Also, the people he omitted doing reads on; marley, april and finn. (Noting dat!)

• I will need to re-read april but I think my read on her is largely null because I wanted to go all confirmation bias on her cause I didn't like how she was playing (weird aggression and then disappear. Calling blaine scum for everything) but then that kinda playing style is really not necessarily a reflection of alignment (probably).

• There was a bit of actual chainsaw defence going on as april's read of me slowly goes scummier; she kinda parrots marley in this and attacks for my "weak" and "left field" argument, and she seems to sound suprised about it. That post (p. 26) definitely gives me the gut read that they are a scumteam.

• I am (as of now) willing to hammer at deadline. Actually now that I think about it no one needs to hammer, cause plurality. No one hammer or you are mafia etc. unless it's deadline and you want the points! (Which i dooooo!)

• Not sure about dave as of now. I'm just trying to think through his hammer of blaine. What's the motivation? Why hammer in that manner

• i need to re-read kurt too.... Bah

• Sorry this post was so scattered. It was written in parts and stuff at different times. I want to re-read the whole thread before deadline today.

• now that I think about it's probably one of emma/marley and then ???

• Actually going with the gut cause wynaut;
I feel as if it's; marley/april
Or emma/kurt

Au revoir all : )
Sunshine Corazon
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Sunshine Corazon Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:58 pm

Whoops vooote marley rose

Ok wait up. April just posted voting marley gotta read this

Madtimes are ahead
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Kurt Hummel Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:45 pm

I wasn't excusing activity per say, the fact that we are noticing sunshine having gone would be totally against the lurking that Mafia might want to play if we take what you are saying.
Basically sunshine's inactivity can't be explained by deliberate lurking in my opinion due to the nature of previous posts: not acting like mafia and then the fact that she would gain nothing from trying to stay under the radar, which has ultimately failed due to going so far under the radar that she has come back right into the centre.

My current view on April has changed a bit since last day. Due to her not turning out as mafia as I thought she has been progressively looking less and less like scum in my eyes. The recent post on Marley came across as an enlightened way of proving how she wasn't bad, which scum find it hard do. However my gut still feels like April is hiding something but look we have 2 days ish and stuff can happen in that time which may clear this up. I am looking forward to her other analysis. Just also like to say that I am reading your posts and everyone elses as I can't make an informed judgement without having the most amount of knowledge possible. Still slightly scum however due to recent posts from everyone else I debate who this would be with. Not Marley as too much coming from each against the other, probably not Emma as main bit against them is this apparent teaming which imo only comes through in this day with both of them trying to save own skin against Marley.

So going to hang fire on the hammer, very odd putting April on l-1 at this time Emma. Not afraid to use it though

On sunshines post I think this kinda shows what I was on about as well with Marley's posting and her possibility of being scum. However my main problem with it is that she looks like she is trying to pad it out with in depth reasons to vote Marley. But use of the way marley writes is an incredibly flawes method of analysis. Just because she talks in a different way doesn't mean she is automatically scum, looks to me like someone might have needed to look like they had a new take on things
On the other hand though the non grammar related points linked straight in with what I was saying about Marley so due to me being town I can relate to that well.

Overall we have a while to go yet so don't get hasty and put more people at l-1 and things.
Kurt Hummel
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Sunshine Corazon Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:54 pm

Hey kurt what were you referring to as "talking in a different way"? (in regards to marley)

Like obviously people talk differently, but I think that difference can (IN CONTEXT) be more an indication of alignment than of who the person is. And in context it looks like self-conscious scum trying to choose their words correctly and worrying about how people will interpret their posts.
Sunshine Corazon
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Emma Pillsbury Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:25 pm

Sunshine Corazon wrote:But, because I can change my mind depending upon today's lynch and also depending on how serious I see seb's vote (I.E. I NEEDA RE-READ); she constantly misrepresents what people say, and her reads have flipped a bit. e.g. She keeps saying I wanted a no lunch.... But I was suggesting lynch who we felt scummiest (as an alternative if people didn't want to lynch Jesse/mike and were confused[although I was quite confident he was ww]). Also she suggests that I thought mercedes was scum, which is not true.

All i can answer is, I never mean to do any thing like that, misrep a person's reads or ideas, but--
-My memory of your idea day 2 was not lynch Jesse or Mike, at least that's the plan I got when I read it, but its good to know this now, it may change my feelings on a certain point. That is almost no lynch in a way, it makes the "Cross" with Mike and Jesse, I feel a big idea, but it is not the same, even if that, I was wrong.
-You didn't say scum on Mercedes, I didn't say scum, I say "not clean" and this reports the truth, you said read her well, but when do you? the posts now from you are all me, April, Marley, Dave, Kurt, like, "what does x say on Mercedes?" but no "what does Mercedes say on x?" For me, that seems like clean, I am a little set on two guys, but when I look at all of us I look at her.
-not sure on my reads, I need to post that again.


April Rhodes: early on, Sebastian's buddy. I don't think the Blaine tunnel was so bad, now when I'm looking, it was from early, not an opportunity. But if you say "quality not quantaty" it's too much short posts, not just day 2, all over. day 2 was bad, even with a activity problem, the posts have no thoughts, all saying other people's ideas. Day 3 is just, question and question, but no looking, even when she can on Marley, Dave and me. Day 4 is good now, is a lot of defence, but if you have the votes like that, it has to be, but Sunshine has a good point, about going on her, when she is on Marley. : MAFIA

Marley Rose: Day 1, says Mike is wrong to say "get Werewolf", then said "get Werewolf", says she doesn't mean so but, she told April and me to claim, then talks about Mike and the Seer claim, I think it's bad to call a PR, it's like asked Wolf to kill him, votes me for not voting a guy I think is seer, says I wanted Mike out. Some of it is just, Blaine and Mike together, I think it was from Finn, but a few guys said that, seems like a wagon to me. She and Jesse both said I am in the middle, means I am bad, at that time she repeats some others, later posts are not repeats though. Day 2 she says a post I need to show, it is odd. this is page 16, only part of the post:
Marley Rose wrote:First off, Dave quickly jumped on the Blaine bandwagon to quickly dispose of him. This does clear him from being Mafia since he added the final nudge that got Blaine lynched, but this also puts him closer to being Werewolf. Though really, I can't blame him for wanting to get the lynch over with since Blaine was acting extremely scummy at the time.

Why Mike Chang is still alive is beyond me. It would seem like he fully advertised being a PR to everyone with his last minute claims, claims that saved him from the chopping board. Despite his outrageous post count, he has contributed nothing of worth to the village and is starting to tip as suspect for Werewolf. I've been leaning on to this for a bit now as well.
The mafia half seems like, she knows the mafia, hammer a town guy is a good thing? But again, the stuff on Mike, she wanted the Werewolf to get him, i think. Day 2 in other posts, is better, she did repeat the questions from me, says just get Werewolf one time, but day 2 this is probably good. Day 3, Marley is just about the Werewolf, takes eyes away from mafia AND APRIL, and then says she never believed Jesse. Day 4 is just one thing. : VERY MAFIA

Dave Karofsky: Old one looked bad, early dropping the hammer is never good IMO. On day 3, if you look, he starts with nothing, but and then it's good, nothing bad after that small thing, I think : SLIGHT TOWN?--need time, seeing if he posts a bad thing, now is still early Dave.

Sunshine Corazon: All of it looks good, until day 2, a small one, she voted Marley, but did not say Mercedes, Jesse, Dave voted late. fast to go on Jesse, but this is for WW, not for mafia, maybe a point to make here later. Day 3 is bad, I think, if a town person wants to live, he lynches the wolf, Sunshine said nothing at all. Day 4 post is good, but again, it is possibly Mercedes atleast, say something. The whole game is just, few posts, they look real good, the best, I think, a possible problem I can say if my question gets answers : TOWN

Emma Pillsbury: ME

Kurt Hummel: Day 1 is good, but, a little parrot to Finn, and talked about a plan, I don't think he said what. Also said the idea from Finn, Mike and Blaine together, and buddies me some times, I don't think mafia is doing this though. Wel then he agrees with Jesse's vote, on me, so it is balanced, looks to be for town really, as i said day 1. Day 2 he said as much as you can, with the two talking always, looked good except a thing on Mike, he wrote a small thing wrong, he and Finn are all over, possible wants to lynch Seer. Day 3 is good, looked at Jesse, but I don't know if the "find the partner" idea was better than "find the bad guy", I did both, but I will take the second, when I can. Answered my thing in day 4, a mafia maybe scared of this, Kurt also has a small problem, I can't say yet. : TOWN

Mercedes Jones: Day 1 is helping and good, but talks to inactives alot, I think it is easy to look town, going to inactive players, but it isn't an idea really, but I think now this post is odd, I don't like this.
Mercedes Jones wrote:
Sunshine Corazon wrote:
Although @mercedes benz what did you mean when you said "easy to overlook with Mike and Blaine" cause that's a bit ambiguous.
I meant that the scumminess and sheer volume of their posting overshadows other potential scumreads- much of this thread is focussed on Mike and Blaine and how they're scummy/village idiot/whatever.

Blaine, I was looking forward to some reasoning and evidence for Mike as village idiot and Emma as scum, yet you've provided none. Your tunnelling and 180 are looking as suspicious as ever.

Mike, what are your thoughts on Blaine? Though I understand that you're no longer going after him in the same way after admin intervention, you seem to have dropped the issue entirely. The only justification you've provided for your unvote is that you were wrong about the rules and this is something I find very strange.

Really though, I am sick of players lurking in the shadows, and/or providing little to nothing with their posts. New Jesse seems alright so far, Finn has been unsteady in terms of his activity and many (not all though) of his posts don't show a lot of reasoning, he has at least been responsive.

Sunshine, Kurt, Sebastian and Dave (lol, is he even playing?) are the ones I'm wary of. Posts have been either devoid of content or illustrate a suspiciously high level of caution. Combined with their lurking, I think it's time to do something about this.

Vote Sebastian Smythe

Also Emma you seem to be somewhat against Marley. Why is that?
not so bad, but she was saying alot, "Mike and Blaine are x because x, inactives are inactive", i think this is off, if inactives are bad for the post count vote Dave or Jesse, but otherwise, where are the ideas? why Sebastian? The next post is reads, this is a good thing I think, good from there. Day 2 is good with Finn, but again a weird one, the slow reaction to claims, maybe bad guy trying to decide if to lynch a Seer, then completely on Jesse, not much posting or ideas actually. Day 3 is not good, I think it is all "find WW", "look at someone else", puts attention to other people, reads use ideas from my reads earlier, she looked like trying to beat day 3, on a town rep, making us forget her, before Dave helps. Day 4 is early : IN THE MIDDLE

I am surprised now, when I look over every tell, (I write a note when I see them,) Marley looks a bit worse, than April, but I would lynch both, I feel very good on them.
And i dn't think it's so bad, to put a person on l-1, a person who votes fast is clear bad, we (town) are doing good now, 5 to 2, they won't quick vote I think . . . and in nightless, we always can talk, if they do.
Emma Pillsbury
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Marley Rose Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:39 am

April Rhodes wrote:I'm honestly really disappointed in the fact that people are not reading my posts and are sticking to whatever biases they may have. It seems my time is running out so I guess I will contribute as much as possible before my final moment Sad

marley wrote:But I'm going with my reasoning and my gut and say

vote Blaine Anderson

marley wrote:I'm appalled at how negatively Blaine is taking the sudden turn of votes. Rather than expanding on the points that people used against him he resorted to flaming and taunting.

You're really making things worse here Blaine

marley wrote:It's mostly "He's a bad guy because he's aggressive with scumhunting." "His posts are careless and sloppy. I do admit that I had to join in the bandwagon due to time pressure

You must have been reading a different game because my posts were absolutely not like that at all. I called him out for guessing people's identities (which, incidentally, you did as well, which I unfortunately missed) and for rejecting any alternative that Mike might be town. Marley is clearly misrepresenting my early day 1 play, which even she thought was townish.

And not only but your claim that you only joined that bandwagon because of time issues is at best really really weak, and at worst, makes you look like you are doubletracking and saying "YEAH I was only involved in that lynch because I had to, not because I wanted to." You made no mention of "time issues in the posts leading up to the lynch, and even admitted that your gut said he was scum. I would have no problem with this, except for the fact you seem to be trying to convey that you were forced into that lynch when it's very clear you weren't.

marley wrote:Sebastian: I almost forgot you were ingame. Most of your posts don't really stand out, lol. Could be that fact that it's hard to notice your original input. You're eye candy. Both in your good looks but your plays as well!

Reading back, this part caught my eye particularly on how noncommittal it was. What exactly is she saying? Nothing, there's no definitive scum-town-null read. At the time, it doesn't seem like much, but given Sebastian's flip it's interesting how little she had to say on him. Maybe it's just me, but I tend to believe that read was a good way of saying something about Sebastian (so it doesn't seem like she is ignoring him) without actually giving a thoughtful opinion on him.

marley rose wrote:If players did what she did then, and just bandwagon on that claim then it's obvious that she has nothing original to bring to the table.

This was a weird part of one of her posts considering a] I didn't jump on the bandwagon and b] The bandwagon ended up lynching a werewolf. You can call it not bringing anything original to the table, or you can call it a case of inactivity (while still being right).

I find that Marley seems to be distancing herself as much as possible for her early day 1 actions and I'm starting to see where Sunshine was coming from with that Day 1 vote. It's probably too late but I am going to go ahead and vote marley rose

Sunshine is still gone so I hope we can get a sub or something.

I'm going to try and present more arguments later tonight so we can get more info out there. Don't hammer until sometime tomorrow so I can do that please Sad

I don't know why it's scummy for me to not immediately push for hammer in this type of setup. You're just willing to sacrifice a few townies to just to check whether or not your claim is true. (This being directed to Emma). Regardless of what they say. Right now we have vanilla mafia with no kills and being too aggressive with this will just end up making you look worse with every mislynch.

Sunshine Corazon wrote:Hihi. On my phone so no quotes.

Another rant;

• As I said before honestly it was hard to participate in this game because people were using ad hominem and elitism to vote people d1 or to make others look scummy, and frankly that's a crappy way of building a case and not a fun way to play mafia. "You play mafia worse then me, therefore you are scum" is pretty much what was going on

If I'm guilty about that then I apologize. I just found it particularly annoying on how Mike was cluttering up the game with numerous posts that delivered no content and was plainly post count. It makes reading back on the previous bits of the game much more difficult considering it adds pages unnecessary pages to the game and makes me lose track of things. On Blaine's case, he was openly trying to expose the identity of a certain player and even insulting/swearing towards the town for not following him. 

• I was away for the past week and a bit, I thought I would be able to get on (at least more than once) but the trip was just so good so yah.

Welcome back.

• not gonna lie; I hate being nightkilled


• I'm feeling a lot less confident in my reads than d1 mostly cause I was probably tunneling seb and marley d1 (seb's dead and marley's post are good content-wise aside from a couple wishy washy things but.... [on that later])

• my biggest scumread/lynch I'm most ok with would be emma
~ NOPE wrote that last night
• I'm fairly sure (despite her odd play) she can't be mafia cause of how seb went after her in the beginning

I already pointed out on how Sebastian used Mike to find a reason to switch vote mid-game. Read page 5/27 (I don't know the post count because this isn't PO so, welp). That shows where Blaine initially had the scum read for Emma. After a few posts, he immediately jumps on Blaine, disregarding Emma. The quote I already posted above showed his the way he used Blaine's tunneling Mike to find way to remove his soft bus with Emma.

• But, because I can change my mind depending upon today's lynch and also depending on how serious I see seb's vote (I.E. I NEEDA RE-READ); she constantly misrepresents what people say, and her reads have flipped a bit. e.g. She keeps saying I wanted a no lunch.... But I was suggesting lynch who we felt scummiest (as an alternative if people didn't want to lynch Jesse/mike and were confused[although I was quite confident he was ww]). Also she suggests that I thought mercedes was scum, which is not true.

See my post towards Emma. Also, when did I say that you thought Mercedes was scum? I don't fully understand this part so please explain a bit more.

• so yah I have been looking at how people saw seb and how he saw other people.
And this stuck out to me from marley; 
"Sebastian: I almost forgot you were ingame. Most of your posts don't really stand out, lol. Could be that fact that it's hard to notice your original input. You're eye candy. Both in your good looks but your plays as well!"

It sounds so contrived and incoherent as well. As if she is just jumping at stuff to get a non-incriminating read on her partner

I'd like you to look back and read over Sebastian's posts. Despite being our first Mafia goon, his post really well thought of and provided what a lot of us failed to do despite inactivity. I had no set reads on him because his posts were pro-town (He highlighted that Blaine was using Mike's sloppy posts was scummy and he also uplifted some cases of buddying) AND he was inactive. Are you saying that you knew that he was going to flip Mafia Goon in the first place? At that point in the game, the only person who I saw having a scumread on Sebastian was Blaine, whose basis comes from OMGUS and you, Sunshine. I read back and saw Mercedes vote on him as well, but that was for being overly cautious/inactive.
"Sunshine, Kurt, Sebastian and Dave (lol, is he even playing?) are the ones I'm wary of. Posts have been either devoid of content or illustrate a suspiciously high level of caution. Combined with their lurking, I think it's time to do something about this.

[b style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18.1875px; background-color: rgb(236, 243, 247);"]Unvote
Vote Sebastian Smythe"

You were in the same position as him, except Sebastian gave better points that were leading pro-town. That's why he had a null-town read and you had a null-WW read, because from his posts then, we were actually able to make something of. 

• so actually now I'm confident in this read after doing an "iso" except not really an iso in the literal sense of marley;

• and ok for people who are saying they don't get my argument. Really every post of marley's is like "this thing someone did is good, this thing is bad". Read the reads post, marley's posts about a mike-blaine scumteam. Honestly she seems to just leave open vote opportunities on everyone. And that's ok insofar as no-one-is-actually-100%-confirmed-town-to-anyone-else. But so much of what she writes is just wishy washy, as if she calls it town and one stage but then could use it as evidence of being scum.
And I think from a potentially experienced player (which she sounds) town has no reason to do that in such a way. Yeaah

If you're going to use me entertaining every possibility of a scum pair against me then that's fine. If you're going to call off not fully having a scum read on a person despite how a vote flips as scummy then you probably have no plan on defending yourself if you lead a mislynch except "whoops." 

• my point about blaine was that she was so willing to vote what she called a null read. I'll look at this again but that's what I think happened.

• she uses phrases which when I read them I think "wow scum" because her posts sound thought out and artificial. Phrases such as "the sudden turn of votes" and "truly unfortunate" are just stuff that sticks out as so contrived.


• marley jumped on mike before he claimed for not dying. I just note that really at no point does she entertain the idea that mike could be mafia. Not sure what I make of that yet.

He made a soft claim as seer N1 which everyone doubted. I don't know why none of you found that suspicious.

• this is what she said earlier "Both of them just idly posted when Mike claimed seer accusing Jessie, despite the possibility that Mike was lying was abysmal." i will probably mention this in a later post in larger detail (WITH QUOTES AN STUFF!) but basically when you look at her reaction to mike/jesse's initial claim she is either not at all/not particularly convinced of mike's claim or is lying so that statement above is a major contradiction, and in reality seems like the truth being bended to accuse people of being mafia.

See my post above on why I tried to remain impartial, despite having voted Jesse anyways. I think the term is WIFOM if I'm correct? I don't know, I don't really read up on this but I see it being thrown around a lot in different games. I was trying to see the possible partner opportunities rather than just voting the obvious Werewolf out in a bandwagon. 

• vooote marley rose

• sebastian's read post is hard when I'm thinking about it. To me the players he called scum have either flipped town. So I would like to assume that emma is town by POE, but again that can change.
He seems very willing to call mercedes town (although almost everyone was at that stage) and I don't understand how he came up with his read on kurt, seems as if he was grasping for stuff but that may be more indicative of seb's alignment then kurt's. Also, the people he omitted doing reads on; marley, april and finn. (Noting dat!)

Not really much to say except everyone saw Mercedes as pro-town, and everyone else was inactive at that stage of the game.

• I will need to re-read april but I think my read on her is largely null because I wanted to go all confirmation bias on her cause I didn't like how she was playing (weird aggression and then disappear. Calling blaine scum for everything) but then that kinda playing style is really not necessarily a reflection of alignment (probably).

Isolate her posts, especially in D2. 

• There was a bit of actual chainsaw defence going on as april's read of me slowly goes scummier; she kinda parrots marley in this and attacks for my "weak" and "left field" argument, and she seems to sound suprised about it. That post (p. 26) definitely gives me the gut read that they are a scumteam.

• I am (as of now) willing to hammer at deadline. Actually now that I think about it no one needs to hammer, cause plurality. No one hammer or you are mafia etc. unless it's deadline and you want the points! (Which i dooooo!)

• Not sure about dave as of now. I'm just trying to think through his hammer of blaine. What's the motivation? Why hammer in that manner

• i need to re-read kurt too.... Bah

• Sorry this post was so scattered. It was written in parts and stuff at different times. I want to re-read the whole thread before deadline today.

• now that I think about it's probably one of emma/marley and then ???

If you want to, isolate her posts as well. There was a reason I voted for her instead of April initially. One that I'll put after a full town read.. ! I won't really take it against you that you're trying to pressure me now considering you were one of the first to actually bring up my name as a possible suspect. I just want you to look at and understand my points and why I did such. 

• Actually going with the gut cause wynaut;
I feel as if it's; marley/april
Or emma/kurt

Au revoir all : )

Kurt Hummel wrote:I wasn't excusing activity per say, the fact that we are noticing sunshine having gone would be totally against the lurking that Mafia might want to play if we take what you are saying.
Basically sunshine's inactivity can't be explained by deliberate lurking in my opinion due to the nature of previous posts: not acting like mafia and then the fact that she would gain nothing from trying to stay under the radar, which has ultimately failed due to going so far under the radar that she has come back right into the centre.

My current view on April has changed a bit since last day. Due to her not turning out as mafia as I thought she has been progressively looking less and less like scum in my eyes. The recent post on Marley came across as an enlightened way of proving how she wasn't bad, which scum find it hard do. However my gut still feels like April is hiding something but look we have 2 days ish and stuff can happen in that time which may clear this up. I am looking forward to her other analysis. Just also like to say that I am reading your posts and everyone elses as I can't make an informed judgement without having the most amount of knowledge possible. Still slightly scum however due to recent posts from everyone else I debate who this would be with. Not Marley as too much coming from each against the other, probably not Emma as main bit against them is this apparent teaming which imo only comes through in this day with both of them trying to save own skin against Marley.

So going to hang fire on the hammer, very odd putting April on l-1 at this time Emma. Not afraid to use it though

When I opened the possibility of their scum-team, Emma doing that pretty much destroyed my whole argument. It was really off-putting too. Emma put me in a situation that if I didn't hammer, I'd have used her argument of using April's flip agaisnt her, and if I did hammer it would be too opportunistic. Keep in mind that I had to head to bed right after she did that and I didn't want to be too hasty with my vote, unlike her. Right now I'm just waiting for more input on everyone. 

On sunshines post I think this kinda shows what I was on about as well with Marley's posting and her possibility of being scum. However my main problem with it is that she looks like she is trying to pad it out with in depth reasons to vote Marley. But use of the way marley writes is an incredibly flawes method of analysis. Just because she talks in a different way doesn't mean she is automatically scum, looks to me like someone might have needed to look like they had a new take on things
On the other hand though the non grammar related points linked straight in with what I was saying about Marley so due to me being town I can relate to that well. 

What is your current read towards Sunshine and I then, and who is your biggest scum read so far?

Overall we have a while to go yet so don't get hasty and put more people at l-1 and things.

 A few questions before I finish up.

Mercedes, if you were to lynch out anybody at this point of the game, who would it be and why? If it were April, who would you entertain as the possible partner.

Emma, if I hammered April last night, would your opinion on me have changed? 

Sunshine, what about my post style makes me look scummy?

and where is Dave in all of this.
Marley Rose
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Marley Rose Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:45 am

That post was much sloppier than I intended, but some of my points were not-bolded and I can't edit it to fix things.

Anyways, I'll make a town read again in a bit. Just waiting on people to react to the recent stuff.
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:11 am

Pointing out that Marley quoted my post on her, but failed to respond to any points I provided.

I'm working on reads on Kurt / Emma / Dave, the three players I feel are most likely to flip mafia at this point in time.
April Rhodes
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:13 am

im sorry i know it looks bad but i legitimately am inactive as fuck. im currently very very busy and will likely to continue to be through the next couple of real life days. should have time this weekend and hopefully before to contribute but ya.
im trying to keep up with this game on my phone and stuff but its proving difficult and its also hard for me to actually forumulate good reads when i dont have time to sit down and think about it.
so yeah all in all poor excuses but real life happens ya know?
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:40 am

Fuck everything lost my post on Dave. God damn windows 8 touch screen. Writing everything in word from now on :/

Going back to Dave2 I noticed that in hindsight the hammer looks really bad. His previous post states how “it’s gonna be a while before I accuse someone of being scum.” The subsequent hammer doesn’t look good. However, something that might be even more interesting is the post before, which I will quote.

dave wrote: At this point. My only opinion is that my avatar looks like a douche and that I think the Mafia team is composed of 2 quiet plotters and a loud scumbag.

This tidbit is interesting especially considering the lack of things said by Dave. He doesn’t back this up or go further with it which makes it especially intriguing. This is only speculation, but I wonder if Dave was reprimanded by scummates for posting something so accurate. It makes me entertain the idea of a Sebastian / Marley scum team, which seems more possible the more I read back.

New dave likes to give us status updates, which suggests to me a worry about being seen as a village. Not bad by itself, but along with everything else it makes me think he is scum.

Marley likes new Dave a lot, to the point where she ignores the suspect hammer which is seemingly all we have to go on from past Daves (which is just as important imo). This to me gives credence to the bus theory I gave above.

Going off dave’s recent post, I’m wondering why he is so concerned about his inactivity. Considering the fact that he’s made some good posts and is being largely ignored as a candidate in this lynch, but by posting saying he knows inactivity is scummy makes me feel he is worried about his inactivity going towards him being scummy. The odd part is that nobody was close to discussing Dave as a lynch target and posting that seems to suggest he is quite concerned about how others view him, to the point that he feels he is in danger when he is nowhere close.

There’s just too little to work with but I do feel the small things are adding up. I wouldn’t want to lynch him today, but maybe one, or two days down the road would be a good idea if as soon as we get more from him.

/end dave
April Rhodes
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:58 am


It’s honestly kinda hard to keep tracking with what she’s saying and it sometimes seems as if she is making a point about the difficulties with English (personal dislike for me), but I dunno about everyone else.

Her reads are really sporadic. First ones, gets Sebastian as slight scum. But then her next one is confusing in that she’s pretty much summarizing and not adding anything new ie “posts are only a few” “he and Mike buddies” “parrot a lot” and then her read on Kurt in the same post has no reasoning. This sort of stuff is annoying because a lot of Emma’s posts up to that point were “town town town” but then I read that one and my mind is completely changed because of how out of place that post feels.

Her behavior on the Jesse lynch was confusing. It seemed that most of the village was with Mike (including Marley’s “YEAH I was impartial to get him to do reads OFC”) but the vote on Mike was weird, considering the logic of “if that’s what Jesse posts when he’s dead.” Thing is the tell is more geared towards Emma being WW which obviously isn’t possible.

I’m not sure why Emma is voting me, and atm it looks quite opportunistic considering the fact there is no mention of why she is voting me. Maybe I’m just lost in the wording, but assuming I’m not her vote on me doesn’t look good tbh.

The recent reads post was good with a lot of strong opinions, but some questionable posts earlier are really leading me to believe these are slips and that Emma is scum. I would put her over Dave simply due to her being around and more active than Dave, although def. not over Marley.

/end emma
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:16 am


Started out shakily especially w/ his bandwagon vote on Mike which he appeared to do as a test? For reasons unknown to me at least. I think while that sort of action is very scummy, the fact that it happened extremely early in the game makes it more forgiveable.

Calls out emma and blaine for not posting analyses when his contribution has been minimal. Dislike a lot, since it’s very easy to overlook that sort of thing, considering attention is usually directed to “hey, why haven’t they followed through” instead of the accuser and whether or not he is really in a position to call people out for such a thing, which Kurt was not.

Kurt points out a lot of problems w/ marley in his reads post day 1, including PR fishing (which is really serious) but somehow thinks that’s not a big enough deal to make her null. His points on why marley is good are vague and unclear, while he writes a lot on the bad stuff, but she’s still a solid town. To me that’s not consistent with the rest of his reads. I can see kurt buddying Sebastian early day 1 as that’s a good opportunity to do so without taking too much pressure (much more likely for no one to notice/call out).

Recent read on marley is very wishy-washy with a lot of “could be town, could be scum” and no definitive call on which she is. I find that when people don’t make it clear if they read a user as scum or town, it’s very likely the read does not actually have an opinion attached to it.

Just noticed that Marley was suggesting mike was a PR which isn’t something very townish to do. Makes sense that she would be mafia as she wouldn’t have a kill and might want to be publicizing it to urge the WWs to kill Mike, which didn’t happen lol. Surprised no one (including myself) caught on to that.

Kurt for the most part feels to me like he’s town, but he seems to have a connection with Marley that is suspicious to me. His early play did not bode well for him, but recent posts suggest a town outlook. I think it’s important to continue to watch his relationship with Marley.

/end kurt

Alright, I’m tired so good night. Hope this helps you guys if you decide to lynch me Sad
April Rhodes
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:13 am

Ok, I'm going to be working my way through the previous posts of players individually (I'm still fairly undecided).

April- Looking back the manner in which she argues against Blaine is rather shoddy. She makes good points, but also appears to be trying to make him appear scum as well, not to mention that she was tunnelling. Then there's the reads both from and about Sebastian- Seb neglected to make a read of April, and I have to say, that's a fairly dubious explanation for why you had Seb as town

I consider her d2 inactivity null. The fact that we were obviously going for WWs meant that mafia had as much incentive to contribute as town, arguably more, since it was a good opportunity to earn town points.

D3/4 have actually seen her argue well and raise some very good points I think.

I'll have her as null for now, but I still have to go through everyone else, so that could change.

Unvote for now.

@Emma: Can you explain why you think my d2 actions are potentially scummy from the context of operating within the mafia- what my motivations for those actions would be, who I'm working with, etc? Also, I'm struggling to read your posts, they're quite incoherent.

D1- You say I focus on inactives, and don't present ideas? That's rubbish. I called out inactives maybe twice, but more importantly, I consistently brought new points forward (admittedly, these were mostly concerning Mike and Blaine, but then most things were on d1). As for why I voted Sebastian, rather than Jesse or Dave, it's because his posts were contributing nothing, and really came off as scum trying to post without attracting any attention, so I decided to vote for him.

D3- I was not attempting to deflect attention from the mafia. Can you provide any post where I did so? for that matter, when Dave targeted me, I did not attempt to deflect attention. I instead answered his points, trying to explain my actions and why they were not scum. As for focussing on WWs, it probably looks that way, because we had FAR more evidence for the next WW than for any of the mafia.

I'll get on with rest, later I gotta go eat
Mercedes Jones
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:51 am

Points on Marley- Flips back and forth d1 on the topic of a potential Mike-Blaine scumteam. I mean really inconsistent. Also flops on whether Mike is scum, but that's a little more justified I think, so I'm not reading anything into it.

-Questionable reads on Emma and Sebastian d1. Poor reasoning for Emma, Sebastian read sounds as if she's trying to talk bout him in a positive light, without having to say he's town.

-I can see where Sunshine was coming from with her earlier comments on Marley's reads, but I'm not convinced that it isn't just reasonable uncertainty.

-I'm curious as to why, after n1 she says Dave is cleared from being mafia but could still be ww

-She's contradicted herself on multiple occasions on focussing on wws- she says that she doesn't want to ignore the mafia, yet has still highlighted the wws as being more important. Not sure how big a deal this is, because it does make some sense (nightkill vs. no nightkill)

-I really don't see why RVS joking is usable as evidence. Honestly, reading that post, it does come across that she's pushing April and Emma, and something seems just faintly odd about it. Like it's straining plausibility by the tiniest amount. I'm not sure if I'm overreacting here.

There's enough subtle inconsistencies that I think I might favour a Marley lynch over April. I would be very reluctant to lynch either of them though. At this stage I'm not at all confident in describing either one as scum. Still looking for someone who I can more comfortably call scum.
Mercedes Jones
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 27 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:18 am

Sunshine- She switched her vote d1 from Sebastian to Marley, which is a little interesting. Her voting Marley is explained well enough, but her explanation for moving away from Seb seems a little inadequate- he made a single post offering actual insight and she decided he wasn't so bad, without showing any signs of doing her own analysis.

Here's Seb's read of her. I didn't really get much from it.
Sebastian Smythe wrote:
Sunshine: It's still rather hard to get a good read on her, mainly due to her lack of activity, and her opinions being those of the others. She is trying to get other players to give their reads on other players, but didn't really do so herself in her second post. Her latest post was better, actually giving more reads on other players, I still find it rather interesting how she feels Marley and Mercedes are not town-sided. As of now she seems to be null town

-Inactivity. Would be an issue except her posts I think overall have actually been pretty good. I'll have her as town I think.

I'm going to bed, so I probably won't get all of them done by deadline. Oh well. Emma, please be sure to elaborate on your comments on my d2 actions.
Mercedes Jones
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