PO Anonymous Mafia Tournament
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Jungle Republic - Game Over

Kurt Hummel
Blaine Anderson
Mercedes Jones
Sunshine Corazon
April Rhodes
Mike Chang
Emma Pillsbury
Sebastian Smythe
Marley Rose
Finn Hudson
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Ian Brennan Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:50 pm

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Last edited by Ian Brennan on Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:19 am; edited 10 times in total
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Sunshine Corazon Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:12 am

Ok I have a bigfat post with d1 notes but I will probably post it unedited; it's just snap notes and thoughts

But I will preface it by saying i really think it is kurt and emma. Probably most confident logically (as in many scumtells) in emma and kurt just feels mafia after reading d1 and today, but want to hear him respond to questions..
Sunshine Corazon
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Sunshine Corazon Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:16 am

Oh i see mercedes voted emma. Will read before bigfatpost
Sunshine Corazon
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Sunshine Corazon Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:44 am

Not sure how coherent this will be but enjoy;


Can't be mercedes + kurt

April doesn't vote blaine d1 even though she brings everything against him - doesn't put her vote where he mouth is

Mercedes sounds super super super formal; (e.g. Mentions rhetoric and stuff, relies on logic)

First sebastian post he votes kurt for buddying finn
References how rvs is not serious, could be aligned with his non-serious vote on kurt?

Sigh this is hard --> does this (post from sebastian);
I believe the point Mike is trying to make is Kurt posted seven minutes after Finn did, with their posts having similar logic in them, both voting Mike within a short period of time. The five minutes between the posts of Kurt and Mike had no correlation between them. Finn, you also failed to acknowledge much of the other points Mike made against you and only gave response to the time between posts. Trying to avoid discussion like that is rather scummy. I suggest you read over his posts again and possibly rethink your decision, or respond to some of the points made against you. "

Sound as if it were a defence of kurt?

April mentions "good post by mercedes there" dislike the subtle budyying

But then so yeah seb starts off slamming emma --> was there any chance of her being lynched at that stage?
Gives no reason for unvoting kurt!
That's somewhat condemning

"-I am scared on the first 4 votes of course. Finn, Kurt and Blaine looked bad. Mislynch is a goal for bads and Mike said he is Seer, yes I get scared.

Mike and Blaine deserves god kill But thats just me

I agree on Sebastian but I DO NOT trust Blaine"

That's odd. Agrees about seabasss but doesn't agree with anything else k

Weird as way to get a scumread on your partner.

Blaine and seb as top two.

That's scummy (having your second scumread as someone who has flipped scum). Not necessarily as a rule but
Emma never (or hasn't yet voted seb) interesting

"Why do you use Emma as a reference to supporting you during your argument? Honestly it makes it seem like there is buddying going on with both of you.

Regarding the buddying between Emma and Mike, I see a couple possible scenarios:

- Mike is trying to use Emma as a reference in helping to defend himself, Mike could be trying to make Emma flip scum.

- Mike may be trying to get Emma on his side, trying to get her to agree with him to prevent himself from getting voted by her."

Ho hummm

I think mercedes also pointed this out just then but it seems as if seb is trying to attack mike here whilst simultaneously making it look as if he is attacking emma. Pretty poor.

Mercedes says kurt/seb suspicious but doesn't vote either of them k.

Page 10 kurt and april posts are interesting.
Specifically kurt slightly defending emma!

Awkward defence from kurt; "Mike: I draw your attention to my posts on this page as they seem to provide evidence against you saying I do not post in long whiles. And for the other times it was due to having irl stuff to do and you and blaine going on for ever."

"Finn: "obviously" is an exaggerated tern and clearly shows you are much more inactive than I due to just taking what mike has just said at face value. On the opinions side again do some reading of my earlier posts on this page as I believe they are insightful and helpful to our town cause. Additionally I believe even though your judgment of Sebastian is sound it applies directly to you as well."

Subtle defence of sebastian through it to.

Mercedes probably more formal posting than I but similar language, makes it simultaneously easy/hard to see her as mafia. Tough

More emma

This point really depends on how good you think emma is, but experienced scum will have a scum buddy as their second top scumread. It seems as if it'd be optimal play.

Page 12 where it all happens

Kurt + seb slam jesse for targetting emma.

Up to about pg. 12

Really all the logic points to emma in terms of interactions but I feel kurt has generally played scummy now that I think about it. I would lynch either of them. Kurt on the basis of his reads post

Yep ok vote emma Pillsbury

Sunshine Corazon
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:24 am

shit ton to do and just lost my post. fuck everything. just gonna do a short recap as I had more and too busy to rewrite it

quick recap:

Mercedes, difference between taking time to form opinion and not laying down vote? seems to me to be same thing, can't have it both ways, either scummy or not scummy

sunshine's vote looks opportunistic. notes don't take into account dave since he was largely absent from day 1

kurt is making no sense me and dave bussing highlighting the confusing nature and near worthlessness of his posts. flying under the radar in sense no real pressure on him. scum right now.

emma = scum, reads seem weak including response, need to reread as I find difficult to read her posts, unfair to simply take a few posts in my read into consideration

vote kurt hummel will switch up vote tomorrow when more posts come in see where we at. lynch sunshine / kurt / emma today ok w/ me.
April Rhodes
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:32 am

k so first of all people please stop typing your responses directly in this thread!
makes me lol and cry at the same time every time someone says they lost a post. seriously text editors exist for a reason. dont leave your precious content in the hands of a shitty web browser i implore you!
another busy day today but thoughts and shit coming in a bit
Dave Karofsky
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty VOTECOUNT 5.2

Post by Ian Brennan Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:07 am

Emma Pillsbury (0) - Mercedes Jones, Sunshine Corazon (L-2)
April Rhodes (0) -
Dave Karofsky (0) -
Sunshine Corazon (0) - Dave Karofsky (L-3)
Kurt Hummel (0) - April Rhodes (L-3)
Mercedes Jones (1) - Emma Pillsbury (L-3)

6 people are playing. 4 votes are required to lynch a player.

Because this setup is nightless, if no player reaches 4 votes before the deadline, plurality will apply and the player with the most votes on them will be lynched.

In the event of a tie between players, whoever received the most votes first (measured starting with the last time they were affected by a vote or unvote) will be lynched.

If the deadline were to occur right now, Emma Pillsbury would be lynched.

Deadline is Tuesday, July 23 at 07:00 GMT +0, approximately 1 day from now.
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:38 am

a couple things that bugged me:

Sunshine Corazon wrote:HIHIHI

will post before deadline again

Marley Rose wrote:I've said what I needed to say and plurality will likely lynch me out. Good luck town.

Saying things like that is so unhelpful.
If you are town I will be upset as heck. = (
I mean seriously I'm sure you knew when you posted that you could get the lynch off you.

this is mostly just a gut feeling but things like "if you are town i will be upset Sad" just feel like scum taking precautions to look better after leading a mislynch.
let me see if i can explain this. so to me saying stuff like this implies the mislynch was a result mostly of bad play on the behalf of lynched player. and this in turn serves to distance a player who lead a mislynch from being guilty for said lynch which is scummy since only scum know a player will flip villy and scum is more worried about that sort of thing.
also in my opinion scum more often than town try and act upset with results to seem town. so sunshine saying stuff like "Poo : ( I really don't know anymore. Honestly when marley flipped town it made me feel as if I have no clue in this game..." looks kinda bad as well
these plus a lack of contributions and her being atop my daveometer were why i voted her yesterday. however i dont think she is my top scumread and it seems like shes /at least pretending/ to try and hunt scum which is more than my top scumread can say. that is:

kurt hummel. yes he was low on the daveometer but lol im not pretending like that was conclusive or anything.
why i think hes scum
1) is this guy even concerned with catching scum? doesnt seem to be at all. every post he makes is pretty much only defending himself. seems way more concerned with looking town by posting tldrs and trying to fend off accusers than to actually find scum. like the only point hes raised so far and correct me if im wrong but it was about some really weak and irrelevant one sentence read of aprils on the former inactive me. yes she said she wouldnt be suprised if im a scum inactive! so what? i say shit like that all the time to pressure inactives to contribute. if thats really the best youve got then youre scum as shit.

2) if you were town and you read marley as scum then why not vote her? instead you say "SO Yeah this shed some new light imo, gonna put her as my top scum read. BUT i want to hear what other people say first." why are you so concerned with what other people have to say? seems to me like youre trying to leave yourself open to another wagon if possible and at the same time disassociate yourself with the mislynch somewhat.
plus theres the whole idea of this game being for points: this will be a sort of defense in an attack. i know i took some heat for voting marley and yes it looks somewhat bad since i wasnt as fully informed as id like to be; i openly admitted i hadnt finished rereading day 1. however i read enough to feel comfortable with a lynch and mostly i didnt want to miss out on the major point bonus for being involved in a successful lynch like i did with finn. which was bs btws lol but anyways. point is i feel kurt also isnt playing from a town perspective since hes not looking to gain the points for being involved on the lynch of a player he thought was scum.

so ya if you didnt catch it i voted 9 minutes before the deadline because marley was getting lynched either way and i wanted points if she flipped scum!

on to other stuff:

sunshine wrote:I can't see how my vote of seb was fabricated.
i like how you dont even bother responding to my major points so let me lay it out for you again.

sunshine wrote:However, I think the scummiest player is definitely sebastian Smythe though.

vote Sebastian Smythe

Do you have an opinion? He actually hasn't said anything is scummy and has just summarised stuff which is so much easier for scum to do than actually scumhunt. His posts indicate that he's trying to appear helpful without being helpful. He also sounds experienced so I expect him to actually scumhunt from, even this early in the game.

however sebs most recent post had said:

sebastian smythe wrote:I believe the point Mike is trying to make is Kurt posted seven minutes after Finn did, with their posts having similar logic in them, both voting Mike within a short period of time. The five minutes between the posts of Kurt and Mike had no correlation between them. Finn, you also failed to acknowledge much of the other points Mike made against you and only gave response to the time between posts. Trying to avoid discussion like that is rather scummy. I suggest you read over his posts again and possibly rethink your decision, or respond to some of the points made against you.

Kurt and Blaine really need to show more of an opinion, rather than parroting Finn's vote and choosing to vote Mike using nearly the same wording as Finn did, he wants to hunt mafia but not werewolves. Werewolves are clearly the biggest priority to lynch currently, being a bigger threat to the village due to their ability to kill.

Also, I'd like to point out this is RVS in a NOC game, the randing is not counterproductive and is generally encouraged early in the game to promote discussion among players.

emphasis added. this is why i thought your vote was fabricated!

also i think its interesting that her gut said I was mafia... until she reread day 1 where former me had not posted at all but somehow she became convinced two others were mafia?
i just feel like if town actually thought i was scum they wouldnt write it off so much simply based on reading day 1 where i obviously wont look bad since former me didnt post!
not that you should think im scum because im not!
i do want to hear more as to why i am scum though in particular why that sentence on emma is scummy. i can and will defend myself!

mercedes: what exactly about my hammer was scummy? kinda unsure about this but hopefully ive explained myself well enough already.

april wrote:kurt is making no sense me and dave bussing highlighting the confusing nature and near worthlessness of his posts. flying under the radar in sense no real pressure on him. scum right now.

really confused about this post i think its just poorly worded. cuz i dont think i bussed dave anywhere and i dont even know who youre saying is scummy me or kurt? clarification please.

oh and one last note to everyone: i think there has been far too much scumteam speculation going on. i mean its very tempting to try and draw connections between players and i am definitely guilty of this as well but i think this is most valuable after a flip. i.e. sebastian. i mean some speculation is okay but i feel like it has taken over our scumhunting and i think it is more important to lynch the scummiest player rather than trying to peg the partners and then go from there.

phew. all that said my reads are:

kurt hummel: scum
sunshine corazon: leaning scum.
emma pillsbury: null.
april rhodes: null.
mercedes jones: leaning town.

unvote vote kurt hummel
might also be comfortable with a sunshine lynch but i feel good about kurt.
Dave Karofsky
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:48 am

Some more points on Emma MASSIVE WALL OF TEXT:

Honestly, this hasn't been that useful in constructing my argument, but hopefully if need be, I included it more so there's a little evidence there. I'll summarise:

Emma's posting reveals a desire to get people lynched, rather than hunt for scum- she's been bringing weak points and only selectively responds when they receive a response, often responding in such a manner to cast the person in a more negative light, rather than strengthening her case. She is either unable to properly support her case (Though if this were the case, why would she stick to it?), or does not have any interest in doing so (This is a huge scum indicator to me, it suggests she does not want to determine who's scum). Often she will merely reiterate her points, instead of developing better ones. Not to mention she often characterises people as bad or scummy and nothing more

Her reads of other players on page 27 practically just lists things that could be interpreted as scummy- there is no evidence of any deeper thinking than that, which at this stage of the game is absolutely necessary.

Furthermore, there is her voting pattern on D4- she consistently waits until there is a substantial amount of momentum against someone before she votes, each time putting them at L-1. These are the biggest points, I think
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:12 am

Holy fuck, I really should've put some more spoiler tags in there. Sorry about that

Sorry Dave, I didn't properly read through, but it came across in that post that you were hammering again on the basis of a half-formed opinion. Looking back I can see that you did provide your reasoning, but yeah, it was more the way it seemed like you were hammering without having looked through everything.

April can you provide some context for where I commented on not laying down a vote? It might help me answer the question better.
As it is, I'd say taking time to develop an opinion is fine, as long they're obviously making an effort to uncover evidence that will help this do so. Otherwise it is indistinguishable from not laying down a vote, which is generally scummy.

Also Kurt, how does it make sense to be careful with our vote if it's the only weapon we've got? It's not as though we can only use it a finite amount of times, and as you say, it's all the town's got- why would we not use it?
Mercedes Jones
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Kurt Hummel Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:51 pm

Im sorry to disappoint you Dave and April but I am a townie and you both will be especially annoyed when you see that.

I almost accept Dave's points against me but April's reasons are more confusing that she thinks my posts are!

To paraphrase Jesse I am reading every post here and looking into all of them, unfortunately this means that everyone is now very close together on my lists and so that is where the confusion may arise from.

Secondly my posts try to be concise and use the BEST evidence for and against each person. This means I do not post massive walls of text: see Mercedes posts on Emma which do have some good points in though the rest is just filler drivel to make Mercedes look town.

April you did say that you were going to change your vote, but why vote me in the first place anyway? This was just after Sunshine posted a whole lot on me and emma and seb which in my opinion was fairly inconclusive and i will come onto that however your vote seems very opportunistic and youre using that as evidence against Sunshine! Seriously make YOUR mind up.

Onto Dave now. Am I concerned with catching scum? Er yeah read my posts instead of assuming. Just because I don’t have a big sign with “I am now scumhunting in Person ‘x’s posts” doesn’t mean that I don’t. I try to start discussions and add to them instead of just posting immaterially on one person.
“pretty much only defending himself” Isnt that what one is supposed to do when allegations are put against them. This type of post has only been recently and I have proved without a doubt that they are false, however due to this type of response to questions I am portrayed as scum?? It’s not even that my posts are just that, I have points in them against people, and for people showing that I am not just doing one thing and trying to do everything. And FYI posting tl;drs is not what I do, I may summarise things but I put EVIDENCE in them. It is making posts that are easy to read and follow so that everyone can understand my arguments put forward. Someone who is town should not just post huge walls of text with thousands of quotes just to pick out the tinyest detail. Even if townspeople do this it is not a good approach. That forces people to do tl;drs which aren’t helpful at all.

I also try to help other peoples cases as well which is where I feel that Sunshine’s entire point against me is flawed. She picked out examples where I helped people she thought was scum and therefore associated me with them. But I have done that with practically all other people in the game, even with Marley I had why she probably wasn’t scum in addition to why I thought she was. The fact that I didn’t vote was even though I said top scumread it was during that point where I had almost the same amount of for and against each person, I don’t only look at scum stuff I look at town stuff as well and marley had a tiny bit more against her. But I needed to accept that I might not have found everything. I don’t want to do what people like April have done where they voted someone and said they would change on new evidence. What April has done is far worse than mine is that I actually use what people have found to come to a judgement in addition to my own. Which is instead of her tactic which appears to be using other people’s ideas. Mine may be more apparent but hers is far more scummy.

So April is looking worse than me in my opinion over this issue.

Just came across this:
Emma Pillsbury wrote:If thats what Jesse posts when he's dead, I want to
Vote: Mike Chang
I believe this acts as one of the main pieces against Emma.  What Jesse posted was practically useless however Emma clearly thinks that it must be true. But then she has what looks like really thought through reads in these past few days. It doesn’t add up. What must have happened is Emma sees an opportunity to try and lynch seer and try to get everyone to follow.
This doesn’t work clearly so goes with Sunshine and votes Finn. She then tries to say why Finn is a likely Mike partner which looks like a subtle attempt to push focus back onto Mike being ww.
Everyone just keeps posting the same stuff on Emma so needs something fresh ^^
This supports Mercedes’ point on Emma’s desire to get people lynched. I don’t believe that this may be an anti-town thing though this vote against Mike should show a scummy side to it

vote emma pillsbury
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Emma Pillsbury Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:30 pm

I made a mistake, I lost a big big post, I will make it again, but DO NOT HAMMER, it is Mercedes and April.
Emma Pillsbury
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Emma Pillsbury Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:12 pm

I think I have all my points, sorry there are no quotes, it is going faster now.

I was wrong, with Marley + April, it is clear now, but I did not know why. If it is them, they need 3 town to lynch, I thought I am 1, but a team with them had no plan, how to get the 2. I saw Mercedes and April now, I saw their plan, it is clever, but not so careful, I went to look for more. It is in day 4, there is evidence since Finn died, they get daytalk and make a plan--

Look on day 4, April says Mercedes is town, just at the start, Mercedes votes her, not a big point here, then says most of her opinion is wrong, day 2 April is not bad, so the vote can go off soon. I see April is bad, I think the other one is Marley, but I vote for her, this is l-1, a real vote to lynch, the next post from Mercedes is to get the vote away. Before she does, Sunshine posts a big thing, it is me + Kurt or April + Marley, Mercedes gets a smart idea here. She wants to get Marley, to say not April, then vote me and Kurt, and she buddies Sunshine to do it. She votes for me, but not a vote for a lynch, Marley is on 2 votes so she is the lynch, and Mercedes says "vote Marley or Emma", a distance from the vote, to setup me for now. Mercedes buddies Dave, she wants to vote Marley, me, Kurt, so he can help the bad team.

On starting Day 5, Mercedes says to talk about Marley as town, and does not, this is a way to say, someone else say April can't be bad, from Sunshine's idea on the team, but does not say it herself. She votes on Kurt, saying to pressure, this is for day 6, not a real vote now, she will switch on me. We tunnel to eachother, votes for me, I think says to April to follow it, but Sunshine votes me, with 2 votes April can setup day 6, vote for Kurt. Marley makes a big post for more votes, the idea is get someone to vote me, not April, so they do not look the same.

Mercedes says that April is town, I am mafia, and the reasons are--April looks bad day 1, I look bad day 1, April looks nothing day 2, (Mercedes had to say, the posts without content are not bad, to make this up), I look nothing day 2, April looks good day 3 and 4, I look good day 3 and 4, the point is clear.

If you think what Dave says, don't find the team, find the people one by one, Mercedes has posted more, and her reasons are hipocritical points, the point with me and April is one, these are some other ones-- (I was working here, when I lost the post, the first part was bigger but I feel, I need to be faster, it takes long to be easy to read)

-She says my day 4 votes are bad, she was not the first vote on any one. I did not vote April before, because my first post it was late, if it was the last day I didn't want a mistake, my second post is the vote, I knew we had more days in case. I have voted first almost every vote, she is not so good, only day 1 (random), day 3 (I think, she thought I was the wolf, she says mafia wants the wolf (there is a point here, for later), day 5 (on Kurt was "pressure", not a lynch, on me is in the plan with April). She will use this point on Kurt, in day 6, to mislynch and win, which is another point--

-On Kurt, I had not just lists, but a big idea, I was wrong, he is town (I do not want to vote him, even to save me from a lynch, I don't know what to do, Mercedes and April will win this if I die, they vote me if I lynch Kurt), she says I have no analising, this is wrong there. She will use my analise on Kurt, for a lynch day 6, win with April, and prove she is wrong on me with it.

-She says, if I talk to everyone, it is a bad sign on me, her last post on me is all like that, "she did this" not "you did this", it is talking to others, and just insults. It is like Blaine or Jesse, Blaine was town but not smart like Mercedes, it is desperate. if she can't set Kurt up for day 6, you can find her and April, even if I can't talk, so she needs a third vote on me, and not April. If she is town, there is no despereate thought, I am lynched already.

-She voted Sebastian, day 1, a small argument, she did not think it was a lynch, but "pressure" like Kurt. I had a small argument, I need time then to make it big, and I vote Blaine, my biggest bad read. Its better, to not vote on a small point, then vote on a small point, and I would make a big one if I voted. My day 1 post for all the players says Blaine, Sebastian, Finn, Jesse, Dave, Mercedes and Marley and Mike, Sunshine, I vote in this order before day 4, with a new post like it.
Emma Pillsbury
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Emma Pillsbury Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:59 pm

I almost forgot--If I am lynched, the question was about, if the mafia wanted to find Finn. I think Mercedes is right of day 2, they can get Jesse, (inactives are still bad though), but maybe not day 3. If they are easy to lynch, this nightless is bad, the town won't be killed at night. If they look good, this is good, no Werewolf to kill them, they want the real Werewolf. I don't know if Mercedes changed on me, the early day 3 vote of me to the late vote for Finn, she may wanted to protect April from lynch day 4.

It doesn't matter now, Im almost sure it's those ones, as sure as I can be, from the last page here.

Kurt, it was a bad vote, I should have switched on Finn, when I didn't know, but I think mafia wants to blend in. Your idea is, I want to find the real guy, then switch on Seer for fun, when he will die to the last Werewolf, I look bad for nothing. This is how town Marley is crazy, she does what i would do as mafia, find a wagon vote and stay to it.
Emma Pillsbury
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Emma Pillsbury Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:41 pm

Good luck, in lylo!
Emma Pillsbury
Emma Pillsbury

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:16 pm

i feel like emmas response to being in lylo has been pretty solid for the most part. like actually trying to be helpful and stuff and seems pretty town.
however the thing that bothers me the most about it all is why isnt she voting kurt. like i mean i admire sticking to your guns and all but i dont feel like a townie could believe as firmly as emma does that shes found the scumteam. i know if i were in emmas shoes i would be voting kurt simply because to myself i am a confirmed townie and kurt is not so even if i think theres only a slight chance hes scum theres still a greater chance that he is than i am. so yeah its weird to me that she isnt voting kurt.
just seems to me like shes trying too hard to "seem" town. im just worried shes "saying" she wont switch to earn one more town vote on kurt and if she gets it shell end up voting him too.
however as ive said emma simply views this game differently than the rest of us so that could just be all this is.
Dave Karofsky
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Emma Pillsbury Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:52 pm

I don't know what to do, I don't want to lynch someone, if I think he is town. That is not a firm decision, I was going to be asleep now, and I am here. I haven't had this problem often, maybe never, it is hard to decide it. If I am getting lynched I will keep this for points, I want to get votes for April and Mercedes, if another goes on Kurt I feel bad any way. I wrote the post with 2 votes, with 3 it is harder to say, now i can't sleep.

It is like me in day 4, I did not want a lynch to come at night, where I can't talk against it, if Kurt is town (I am pretty sure) I don't want it to him either. It is a moral thing, I guess, I don't want to do it, I hate to have to.
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty VOTECOUNT 5.3

Post by Ian Brennan Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:27 am

Emma Pillsbury (3) - Mercedes Jones, Sunshine Corazon, Kurt Hummel (L-1)
April Rhodes (0) -
Dave Karofsky (0) -
Sunshine Corazon (0) -
Kurt Hummel (2) - April Rhodes, Dave Karofsky (L-2)
Mercedes Jones (1) - Emma Pillsbury (L-3)

6 people are playing. 4 votes are required to lynch a player.

Because this setup is nightless, if no player reaches 4 votes before the deadline, plurality will apply and the player with the most votes on them will be lynched.

In the event of a tie between players, whoever received the most votes first (measured starting with the last time they were affected by a vote or unvote) will be lynched.

If the deadline were to occur right now, Emma Pillsbury would be lynched.

Deadline is Tuesday, July 23 at 07:00 GMT +0, approximately 2.5 hours from now.
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Sunshine Corazon Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:28 am

Anyone else around?


Honestly I have no freaking clue right now.

I really disliked april's reaction to the emma wagon, because it felt to me as if she was saying they were weak to incriminate people when she flipped town (as in that would be scum april's thought process).

Would be willing to vote her

@dave; what is your read on emma after her defence l-1, you didn't really make a conclusion just said it could be this or this.
Also I mean i have been busy the whole game so sorry if that response was crap to you but I dunno what to say; it wasn't fabricated? And looking at that post seb still makes little judgement and doesn't push on finn at all.

Also gut reads =/= anything necessarily concrete.

Brb will try post in a bit in regards to emmas last few posts.
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:06 am

ive said all along i really dont feel like emma is scum. i just feel like shes got a different take on stuff and so its easy to say "her reads are off" and shit.
like i said her l-1 posts were pretty damn good. like i actually see her case against mercedes and its making more sense to me than it has in the past. and most of all the fact that shes going for everyones top townread would just make no sense from a scum perspective. i feel like her and her partner would try and push the lynch on someone else.
i would also be willing to lynch april so hopefully ppl get on with 55 mins left
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:17 am

Mercedes wrote:
What on Earth led you to believe I simply sat back and waited for everyone else to post their thoughts before I shared mine? It took me a while to develop my perspective, but I was asking questions, applying pressure, which is what you suggest should make us view you as town. So you're either misrepresenting events or you're implementing a double-standard.

I take a while to form my opinions because I want to be right. I want to lynch scum and developing a strong, well-thought case is of critical importance to accurately lynch scum.

mercedes wrote:
Kurt, why did you not use your vote? I mean, you had ample opportunity to use it.

mercedes wrote: Also Kurt, how does it make sense to be careful with our vote if it's the only weapon we've got?

Reading back, this doesn’t look so bad, but I believe I felt that at the time there was an implication of scuminess on Kurt’s part. I guess I want to know what’s the difference with taking your team to come up with opinions and not laying down a vote? That being said, it is my personal opinion that both are scummy (one can’t be scummy, other not). The longer it takes to form an opinion the worse it looks. Not placing a vote w/o validly explaining why doesn’t cut it either. “Being unsure,” while a nice excuse, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t throw down a vote on your top read atm. Ugh, I feel I’m a bit off base here, but I think that about sums up what I’m trying to get at.

Sunshine, you still haven’t addressed Dave’s absence in your day 1 notes.
sunshine wrote: because it felt to me as if she was saying they were weak to incriminate people when she flipped town (as in that would be scum april's thought process).

The point is that your read is biased because it doesn’t include dave. There’s nothing wrong with presenting an argument on someone, but when you omit someone on purpose it doesn’t look good.

Kurt, why does my vote look opportunistic? You are my number scum read at the time and thus I voted you. I’m staking a claim that you are the most likely to be scum, something which seems to be more difficult for you. There is nothing opportunistic about it.

And as much as I think Emma is scum, your argument on how she voted Mike makes no sense at all (another example on posts being unclear & unhelpful). I don’t get the argument on “wanting to get people lynched,” and claiming that “she voted Mike and then voted Finn because a Mike lynch wasn’t working,” doesn’t make sense logically for me. How does saying “finn is likely mike partner” equivalent to pushing the lynch back on to mike ?? yeah, I don’t buy that argument.

Emma is still bad, and I’d hammer her but her l-1 posts were good I admit, even though they implicate me. The fact that she didn’t vote Kurt seems to indicate a willingness to stick with her reads and only follow a lynch she believes will hit scum (albeit her scum reads I disagree with lol). She makes a lot of claims backing them up with “that’s my opinion,” and no reasoning means they aren’t worth much. For instance she says how no day 2 content is bad but she doesn’t state why?? this is a recurring theme and that lack of explanation (as well as that read on Sebastian) is why I think she’s scum.

Dave, that null read changed pretty quickly lol. Why ?? In fact, I feel you’ve been going back and forth on a lot of stuff (see: kurt and daveometer)

I feel confident on Kurt, but my second choice would be on emma. if you guys aren't interested in a kurt lynch, I will hammer emma within 15 to 30 minutes (in case anyone else decides to show up)
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:25 am

its not so much my read on you changing but my read on emma. i feel shes town at this point and thus would rather lynch someone im more unsure about (i.e. you or sunshine). considering people on at the deadline im trying to figure out who we can reasonably get a lynch on.
so ya id rather lynch 1) kurt 2) sunshine who i dont think has done a good job at all of responding to my accusations or 3) you over april.
if you think i flip flopped on kurt than lol. just cuz someone was low on the daveometer doesnt make them clean. i think its reasonable enough for me to weigh scummy day 4 or w/e play in on my scumreads outside of just based on their interactions with seb yes? if you think my scumread on kurt is unsufficiently explained then thats something else but i feel like ive gone into enough as to why i feel hes scum outside of his day 1 interactions with seb.
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:27 am

*over emma
not over april
also *then not than

wow stream of consciousness im not being all that articulate so sorry
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:28 am

oh wow just realized sunshine voting kurt could change the lynch.
that sounds like the best option imo.
april simply dont hammer and give sunshine the chance to switch should she deem it appropriate
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty DAY 5 DEADLINE

Post by Ian Brennan Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:02 am

Emma Pillsbury (3) - Mercedes Jones, Sunshine Corazon, Kurt Hummel (L-1)
April Rhodes (0) -
Dave Karofsky (0) -
Sunshine Corazon (0) -
Kurt Hummel (2) - April Rhodes, Dave Karofsky (L-2)
Mercedes Jones (1) - Emma Pillsbury (L-3)

6 people are playing. 4 votes are required to lynch a player.

Because this setup is nightless, if no player reaches 4 votes before the deadline, plurality will apply and the player with the most votes on them will be lynched.

In the event of a tie between players, whoever received the most votes first (measured starting with the last time they were affected by a vote or unvote) will be lynched.

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty VOTECOUNT 6.0

Post by Ian Brennan Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:05 am

April Rhodes (0) -
Dave Karofsky (0) -
Sunshine Corazon (0) -
Kurt Hummel (0) -
Mercedes Jones (0) -

5 people are playing. 3 votes are required to lynch a player.

Because this setup is nightless, if no player reaches 3 votes before the deadline, plurality will apply and the player with the most votes on them will be lynched.

In the event of a tie between players, whoever received the most votes first (measured starting with the last time they were affected by a vote or unvote) will be lynched.

If the deadline were to occur right now, Kurt Hummel would be lynched (having had the most votes from yesterday).

Deadline is Friday, July 26 at 07:00 GMT +0, approximately 3 days from now.

Day 6 begins now.

Last edited by Ian Brennan on Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:08 am; edited 1 time in total
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 30 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

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