PO Anonymous Mafia Tournament
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Jungle Republic - Game Over

Kurt Hummel
Blaine Anderson
Mercedes Jones
Sunshine Corazon
April Rhodes
Mike Chang
Emma Pillsbury
Sebastian Smythe
Marley Rose
Finn Hudson
Ian Brennan
15 posters

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Ian Brennan Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:50 pm

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Last edited by Ian Brennan on Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:19 am; edited 10 times in total
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:23 pm

I've got to go, time to hammer
Vote Kurt Hummel
Mercedes Jones
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Sunshine Corazon Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:56 am

Got back woo HI!

I would have loved the hammer!!

meh; for funs vote kurt hummel
Sunshine Corazon
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty HAMMER

Post by Ian Brennan Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:20 am

April Rhodes (1) - Kurt Hummel (L-2)
Dave Karofsky (0) -
Sunshine Corazon (0) -
Kurt Hummel (3) - April Rhodes, Dave Karofsky, Mercedes Jones (L-0)
Mercedes Jones (0) -

5 people are playing. 3 votes are required to lynch a player.

Because this setup is nightless, if no player reaches 3 votes before the deadline, plurality will apply and the player with the most votes on them will be lynched.

In the event of a tie between players, whoever received the most votes first (measured starting with the last time they were affected by a vote or unvote) will be lynched.


Last edited by Ian Brennan on Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:11 pm; edited 5 times in total
Ian Brennan
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty VOTECOUNT 7.0

Post by Ian Brennan Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:25 am

April Rhodes (0) -
Dave Karofsky (0) -
Sunshine Corazon (0) -
Mercedes Jones (0) -

4 people are playing. 3 votes are required to lynch a player.

Because this setup is nightless, if no player reaches 3 votes before the deadline, plurality will apply and the player with the most votes on them will be lynched.

In the event of a tie between players, whoever received the most votes first (measured starting with the last time they were affected by a vote or unvote) will be lynched.

If the deadline were to occur right now, April Rhodes would be lynched (having had the most votes from yesterday).

Deadline is Tuesday, July 30 at 07:00 GMT +0, approximately 4 days from now.

Day 7 begins now.
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:24 pm

was looking back over the past few days and found this interesting.
april basically had emma as her second scumread day.. whatever it was.. and marley as her top one the day marley got lynched. during that day she said this:

april wrote:Kurt for the most part feels to me like he’s town, but he seems to have a connection with Marley that is suspicious to me. His early play did not bode well for him, but recent posts suggest a town outlook. I think it’s important to continue to watch his relationship with Marley.

basically her reasoning for why kurt might be scum seems largely contingent on the possibility that marley might be scum. and we all know how marley flipped!
so one would think that after the flip april might back off kurt somewhat. however she ended up voting him!
now granted kurt did look pretty scummy to me as well but april provided very minimal reasoning for her change in opinion on him.

here is all i could find in that regard.

april wrote:kurt is making no sense me and dave bussing highlighting the confusing nature and near worthlessness of his posts. flying under the radar in sense no real pressure on him. scum right now.

april wrote:Kurt, why does my vote look opportunistic? You are my number scum read at the time and thus I voted you. I’m staking a claim that you are the most likely to be scum, something which seems to be more difficult for you. There is nothing opportunistic about it.

And as much as I think Emma is scum, your argument on how she voted Mike makes no sense at all (another example on posts being unclear & unhelpful). I don’t get the argument on “wanting to get people lynched,” and claiming that “she voted Mike and then voted Finn because a Mike lynch wasn’t working,” doesn’t make sense logically for me. How does saying “finn is likely mike partner” equivalent to pushing the lynch back on to mike ?? yeah, I don’t buy that argument.

Emma is still bad, and I’d hammer her but her l-1 posts were good I admit, even though they implicate me. The fact that she didn’t vote Kurt seems to indicate a willingness to stick with her reads and only follow a lynch she believes will hit scum (albeit her scum reads I disagree with lol). She makes a lot of claims backing them up with “that’s my opinion,” and no reasoning means they aren’t worth much. For instance she says how no day 2 content is bad but she doesn’t state why?? this is a recurring theme and that lack of explanation (as well as that read on Sebastian) is why I think she’s scum.

so i agree her vote on kurt was pretty opportunistic looking back.
what strikes me as even more off though is the fact that she had emma as her #2 scumread both days but both days she seemed to be passively attempting to push the vote onto someone else. all while maintaining emma was her #2 scumread.

ive also made several other points against april but to reiterate:
1)her "switching up" the reads of seb and kurt was weird although impossible to prove/disprove
2)her redefinition of tunneling was extremely scummy to me
3)emma putting her at l-1 in the middle of the day and then unvoting was strange
4)i dont think ive made this point yet but i thought it was weird that emma had a marley/april listed which changed to a mercedes/arpil one after the marley flip. but her vote was on mercedes which seems strange like if youre trying to seem town why not vote the common denominator? unless you dont reallllly want to cause a lynch on your partner but simply want them to look better after your flip.

im fairly certain that april is the last mafia but im trying not to ignore the possibility that it might be sunshine. if its mercedes then all the props to her she deserves to win but i doubt it.
ill try and reread for more stuff on april/sunshine/maybemercedes but i feel confident in my vote [/b]vote april rhodes[/b]
Dave Karofsky
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:24 pm

ugh stupid bold tag thats what i get for typing it in a text editor
at least i didnt lose my post!
vote april rhodes
Dave Karofsky
Dave Karofsky

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:07 am

here we go again... ugh I think it's Dave but given my recent (shitty) history who the fuck even knows. I'll go more into that later down below, but it's hard for me to see Mercedes being the last one (hate the attitude of "if it's you gg" like wtf we've got two lynches lol), but Sunshine could very easily fit in there due to inactivity and her vote on Kurt. anyways let's get this started

Dave Karofsky wrote:was looking back over the past few days and found this interesting.
april basically had emma as her second scumread day.. whatever it was.. and marley as her top one the day marley got lynched. during that day she said this:

april wrote:Kurt for the most part feels to me like he’s town, but he seems to have a connection with Marley that is suspicious to me. His early play did not bode well for him, but recent posts suggest a town outlook. I think it’s important to continue to watch his relationship with Marley.

basically her reasoning for why kurt might be scum seems largely contingent on the possibility that marley might be scum. and we all know how marley flipped!
so one would think that after the flip april might back off kurt somewhat. however she ended up voting him!
now granted kurt did look pretty scummy to me as well but april provided very minimal reasoning for her change in opinion on him.

here is all i could find in that regard.

april wrote:kurt is making no sense me and dave bussing highlighting the confusing nature and near worthlessness of his posts. flying under the radar in sense no real pressure on him. scum right now.

april wrote:Kurt, why does my vote look opportunistic? You are my number scum read at the time and thus I voted you. I’m staking a claim that you are the most likely to be scum, something which seems to be more difficult for you. There is nothing opportunistic about it.

And as much as I think Emma is scum, your argument on how she voted Mike makes no sense at all (another example on posts being unclear & unhelpful). I don’t get the argument on “wanting to get people lynched,” and claiming that “she voted Mike and then voted Finn because a Mike lynch wasn’t working,” doesn’t make sense logically for me. How does saying “finn is likely mike partner” equivalent to pushing the lynch back on to mike ?? yeah, I don’t buy that argument.

Emma is still bad, and I’d hammer her but her l-1 posts were good I admit, even though they implicate me. The fact that she didn’t vote Kurt seems to indicate a willingness to stick with her reads and only follow a lynch she believes will hit scum (albeit her scum reads I disagree with lol). She makes a lot of claims backing them up with “that’s my opinion,” and no reasoning means they aren’t worth much. For instance she says how no day 2 content is bad but she doesn’t state why?? this is a recurring theme and that lack of explanation (as well as that read on Sebastian) is why I think she’s scum.

so i agree her vote on kurt was pretty opportunistic looking back.
what strikes me as even more off though is the fact that she had emma as her #2 scumread both days but both days she seemed to be passively attempting to push the vote onto someone else. all while maintaining emma was her #2 scumread.

Yeah I did provide minimal reasoning considering I had a lot more but I lost it so I just summed it up. Guess you didn't look over that too closely? In fact I noticed you specifically removed that part of my post. OK. If you really looked at what I said, you would notice that I noticed a connection that I felt was suspicious. I noted that I felt Kurt's past posting was poor but that recent posts that day gave him a more town outlook. Even though I did not outright state that later, I think it's a pretty clear assumption that his later posts reversed that trend.

Opportunistic? How can that be opportunistic when I was the first to vote him back on the day Emma was lynched? Opportunistic to continue voting who I thought was most like to be scum?

You usually push your number one scumread. In fact, I was about to hammer eMma and had declared my intent to hammer before you posted telling me to not to. Nice detail you forgot.

ive also made several other points against april but to reiterate:
1)her "switching up" the reads of seb and kurt was weird although impossible to prove/disprove
2)her redefinition of tunneling was extremely scummy to me
3)emma putting her at l-1 in the middle of the day and then unvoting was strange
4)i dont think ive made this point yet but i thought it was weird that emma had a marley/april listed which changed to a mercedes/arpil one after the marley flip. but her vote was on mercedes which seems strange like if youre trying to seem town why not vote the common denominator? unless you dont reallllly want to cause a lynch on your partner but simply want them to look better after your flip.

1. It was a legitimate mistake and obviously there is no way to disprove that which really blows. I can't do much about it, but if we lose because of it I will be v. mad sigh.

2. So are you trying to say that mafiascum is an unreliable source for mafia terminology? I mean, I don't treat the site like a gospel, but in general, I would like to say they do know what they are doing. My clarification cleared up any miscommunication we had, so unless you are saying that mafiascum has no credible I don't get your point. And if you do think it isn't credible then I'll have to leave that to others to decide.

3. This is equivalent to saying "using your vote is strange." Would this be different if Emma had flipped village? I don't really see what's unreasonable given that townies use their vote since it is their only weapon, and given that the mafia is trying to blend in with the village they would do the same as well.

4. I would call this a stretch. I mean it's really all WIFOM, what if Emma assumed that you would figure that out and did that opposite etc? More plausibly, what if Emma did that on purpose so you could point that out to make me look worse?

The actions of Dave and his predecessor look the worst at the moment. The day 1 hammer isn't good considering the fact he said it would take him a while to figure out what to do, followed by an immediate hammer. And then there's the fact that he tried very hard to save Emma. It seems like a risky move that they probably thought could pay off due to Dave's upward trending stock (being seen as town), which makes sense given the situation (a partner getting lynched = 1 more mislynch). It seems like a risk the mafia could afford to take in that situation.

There's also the part where Emma probably talks about dave the least, which is usually how mafia tries to avoid any sort of connection-making - just by avoiding talking about each other, they disassociate from each other, something which seems like a very real possibility in this case.

Dave, what's your read on Sunshine? Thoughts on her being scum or town? Other two chiming in soon would be fantastic as well.

Unless I'm convinced that sunshine is a better option I'm inclined to believe it's Dave.

vote dave karfosky
April Rhodes
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty VOTECOUNT 7.1

Post by Ian Brennan Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:29 pm

April Rhodes (1) - Dave Karofsky (L-2)
Dave Karofsky (1) - April Rhodes (L-2)
Sunshine Corazon (0) -
Mercedes Jones (0) -

4 people are playing. 3 votes are required to lynch a player.

Because this setup is nightless, if no player reaches 3 votes before the deadline, plurality will apply and the player with the most votes on them will be lynched.

In the event of a tie between players, whoever received the most votes first (measured starting with the last time they were affected by a vote or unvote) will be lynched.

If the deadline were to occur right now, April Rhodes would be lynched.

Deadline is Tuesday, July 30 at 07:00 GMT +0, approximately 2 days and 7 hours from now.
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:56 pm

So I'm back from being drunk/severely hung over/basketball. I'm still working on analysing events, particularly re-examining D4, largely to determine how plausible it is that April could be with Emma.

I'm still uncertain who to vote for, but I'd like to ask- what are your thoughts on Sunshine trying to vote Kurt after I'd dropped the hammer? I think this is a potential clue to her mindset, but I'm having trouble reading it.
Is it confident town hoping for points from lynching a believed scum?
Would mafia try to jump on a mislynch after it's occurred? Or is it safer for them to do so, given the context (Everyone had Kurt as scum, we might have jumped on her if she hadn't done anything)?
Mercedes Jones
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:37 am

Mercedes, Sunshine's vote to me stands out, not as a single action but when I take into account the entirety of her actions. Her forced vote on Kurt...the post accusing Marley back day 1 is very random and strange considering how the latter flipped...and of course the general inactivity. It doesn't fit for me; that she would come back after the hammer and put down a lynch vote. To me, that doesn't fit her actions throughout the game. I'm not sure about the motivation but it's definitely deviates from her play this game.

Is it enough to make me want to switch from Dave? The inactivity is bugging me (along with the aforementioned things I think look bad) and so I'm thinking that's it's almost worth it to hit lylo with dave instead, just because I feel he is more likely to show up. I'm not saying we should lynch sunshine just because of inactivity, but because there are a lot of unexplained things she's done that doesn't look good. Dave's in a bit of the same boat due to his predecessors but his current play suggests that's changed.

In other news, it would be great if we could get some more posts. It's one thing to be lynched going down with a fight, but I would honestly be gutted if I got lynched based on...Dave voting me first. And that doesn't bode well for lylo either. So yeah, let's try to make use of the time before deadline...
April Rhodes
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Ian Brennan Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:08 am

Will likely not be available tomorrow night or the next night afterwards. And with only 4 non-mod posts since the start of Day 7, I'm extending deadline by 2 days.

Also, prodding Sunshine Corazon.

Deadline is Thursday, August 1 at 07:00 GMT +0, approximately 3 days from now.
Ian Brennan
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:20 am

sorry for the poor activity been reallllly busy.
will try and post stuff tomorrow? ill be pretty busy this week but ill make an effort to be active
Dave Karofsky
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Sunshine Corazon Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:14 am

Hey. Very sorry, I do feel bad and hope you feel that is genuine but have had a ridiculous stretch of busyness.

I would never be purposely inactive.

Saying that I am still short on time but just from catching up on today I think that april is scum;
Mostly because of;
• her never laying a vote down (at least seriously iirc) on emma despite the scumread (which dave pointed to) and the read on, the straw man town read on seb + slight mutual chainsaw defence (which I can explain later).
• her latest post about "going into lylo with dave" IMPLIES she either a) does not think I'm scum or b) knows I'm not scum. Both of which are extremely scummy. The whole feel of that post is that she knows dave or I would be a mislynch

Vote april rhodes

I'm ok with voting cause a mercedes quickhammer would either win for us or show mercedes as scum

One thing i need to read before days end is april's and dave's respective responses to just before the emma lynch happened.

No hammers yet please! Smile

Sunshine Corazon
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:36 am

Still no detailed post yet, I've almost gone through things, so it should be ready soon (tomorrow)

Dave: Can you elaborate on your views of Emma putting April to L-1? Is there anything about that sequence in isolation (discounting day 5 that is) that makes you think it is scum working together?

Also, for the sake of accuracy, this is the post Emma made D5 when she voted me:
Emma Pillsbury wrote:Another Blaine, I will be reading this in weeks, and not think Marley is good. My ideas from last time say, it is Mercedes + Kurt or Mercedes + April, probably with April, but I think from that, the best vote is Mercedes, either way has her.

vote: Mercedes Jones

This post is consistent with one she made late D4, where she speculated on who she had as the possible scumteam.

Sorry for not yet making a significantly detailed post, but it's quite late, and I won't have time until tomorrow afternoon
Mercedes Jones
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:51 pm

Sunshine doesn't respond to any of my concerns except with "I would never be purposefully inactive." I also forgot to mention her chainsaw defense that Marley pointed out way back when.

I already stated my reasoning on never voting emma. If you also did not notice I was planning to hammer emma until dave told me to hold off.

With the whole lylo thing I am trying to get across how I think it's considerably harder when people don't post to get stuff done. The underlining assumption there was "if we mislynch, which mislynch would give us the best shot in lylo." That's assuming we do mislynch. If we win today, excellent. But there's nothing inherently wrong with trying to give us the best shot at lylo. You can call that scumthinking, but I would have to strongly disagree. I think it's important that we plan for a possible lylo situation. idk maybe i'm just bad at mafia for trying to plan ahead loooooool

"straw man on seb + slight chainsaw defense" doesn't make sense? I don't see the latter and I don't really see how the former is a straw man. (defending a straw man lol first time i've heard of that). I'm going to need some clarification on what you are referring to.

tempted to change vote, but until I hear more from dave I'm fine with my vote for now.
April Rhodes
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Dave Karofsky Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:06 am

k time for a big post.

first to respond to some stuff:

april wrote:Yeah I did provide minimal reasoning considering I had a lot more but I lost it so I just summed it up. Guess you didn't look over that too closely? In fact I noticed you specifically removed that part of my post. OK. If you really looked at what I said, you would notice that I noticed a connection that I felt was suspicious. I noted that I felt Kurt's past posting was poor but that recent posts that day gave him a more town outlook. Even though I did not outright state that later, I think it's a pretty clear assumption that his later posts reversed that trend.

Opportunistic? How can that be opportunistic when I was the first to vote him back on the day Emma was lynched? Opportunistic to continue voting who I thought was most like to be scum?

You usually push your number one scumread. In fact, I was about to hammer eMma and had declared my intent to hammer before you posted telling me to not to. Nice detail you forgot.

i didnt "specifically remove" anything from your post. i hate the passive implication that this is scummy (its not) and that you dont actually bother calling me out on it (prolly cuz you know its bs).
i simply quoted the part where you provided actual reasoning which was as you conceed was minimal. any "oh shit i lost my post" segment preceeding it is simply an outside factor that can neither be proven or disproven so i really am trying not to read into it either way. hence why i didnt include it.
even if you did lose your post this doesnt excuse the fact that you provided very little with regards to your shift from "i think kurt is town unless hes marleys partner" (def paraphrasing) to "hes scum". im not saying that such a shift couldnt be warranted based on his play just that you did not explain it at all which i find to be very antitown.
i guess opportunistic was the wrong word. what i was trying to convey was that it seemed strange to me you would vote kurt following the marley flip when based on your reads it would seem emma would be your top scumread. so it seemed to me like you were placing your vote on someone who people were suspicious of but who wasnt your scumpartner.
again the "nice detail you forgot" bit is more passive implication of my scumminess. but i dont really understand how you could think i look scummy for telling you not to hammer. i mean if you were really town and you actually had kurt as a higher scumread than emma wouldnt you want to hold off the hammer for the possibility that sunshine would switch and we would end up lynching your top scumread as well? the fact that you werent fighting for a lynch of your top scumread over your number two makes me think you were more concerned with bussing rather than actually lynching scum. and the fact that you imply im scum over this makes me think youre more concerned with forcing another mislynch than actually thinking things through from a town perspective.

april wrote:1. It was a legitimate mistake and obviously there is no way to disprove that which really blows. I can't do much about it, but if we lose because of it I will be v. mad sigh.

2. So are you trying to say that mafiascum is an unreliable source for mafia terminology? I mean, I don't treat the site like a gospel, but in general, I would like to say they do know what they are doing. My clarification cleared up any miscommunication we had, so unless you are saying that mafiascum has no credible I don't get your point. And if you do think it isn't credible then I'll have to leave that to others to decide.

3. This is equivalent to saying "using your vote is strange." Would this be different if Emma had flipped village? I don't really see what's unreasonable given that townies use their vote since it is their only weapon, and given that the mafia is trying to blend in with the village they would do the same as well.

4. I would call this a stretch. I mean it's really all WIFOM, what if Emma assumed that you would figure that out and did that opposite etc? More plausibly, what if Emma did that on purpose so you could point that out to make me look worse?

The actions of Dave and his predecessor look the worst at the moment. The day 1 hammer isn't good considering the fact he said it would take him a while to figure out what to do, followed by an immediate hammer. And then there's the fact that he tried very hard to save Emma. It seems like a risky move that they probably thought could pay off due to Dave's upward trending stock (being seen as town), which makes sense given the situation (a partner getting lynched = 1 more mislynch). It seems like a risk the mafia could afford to take in that situation.

There's also the part where Emma probably talks about dave the least, which is usually how mafia tries to avoid any sort of connection-making - just by avoiding talking about each other, they disassociate from each other, something which seems like a very real possibility in this case.

1)this isnt even the bulk of my argument so small nitpick: i dont like how you imply it would be the reason "we lose"
2)im not at all saying that. are you even reading my argument? the fact of the matter is you provided "my definition" of tunneling when you called blaine out on it and then proceeded to say i was "misguided" about what tunneling meant and provided the mafiascum definition after i demonstrated a similar grasp of the concept of tunneling later. basically i think its very scummy that you used one definition to attack blaine and another definition to defend yourself and even recognized that the two definitions were quite different.
3)ill try ane expand on this in response to mercedes as well in a bit
4)mercedes made a good point on this so ill retract it. just through it out there and turns out i was off.

i do think the term wifom is thrown around a bit too much though. i feel like a lot of mafia can be construed as wifom and most of the game is really how you interpret it. like i could simply say that youre argument on emma talking the least about me is wifom. and that she could have done so in order for you to bring it up and cast aspersions on me. but if we are gonna constantly use these as a defense it basically amounts to "everything is speculation and everything can simply be scum leaving a false trail so lets just not talk about this game at all!"
but thats just a playstyle thing. rant over.

hopefully ill have more coming up in a bit.
Dave Karofsky
Dave Karofsky

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:20 am

Ok, I'm still quite unsure about things.

Sorry, I haven't put my thoughts on Dave and April in this post, which is what I intended, but I wasn't satisfied with my analysis, as it focussed a bit too heavily on Emma/Seb interactions, at the expense of other clues

Bits and pieces about Sunshine:

I'm still reviewing everything, but I will say that I really don't see scum implications for April in the way Emma voted her D4. It's possible I guess, but I really think that it's genuine- it could easily be a wagon vote, especially since that's consistent with her play on D4 (Seriously, apart from me, her other scumreads had already seen significant points raised against them).

Also the idea of April as possible scum was actually something Emma had picked up on D2 (When Jesse pointed out April and Marley's reads of Seb) and kept alive throughout. Just thought I should point that out.

I'm not at all convinced she's a partner to Emma, but the way she's pushed for a few lynches does seem scummy (Especially D1)

I'll be back with more later. I might have the day off tomorrow, so I might be able to post earlier/more often
Mercedes Jones
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:26 am

I should add that I'm not disregarding her switch to Kurt the following day, I do think it's odd, given that she didn't provide substantial reasoning for going after him instead of her previous scumread Emma (I know you say you lost the post, but I'm sure you'll understand if we take that with a grain of salt). Can you explain why you decided that Kurt was more scummy than Emma?
Mercedes Jones
Mercedes Jones

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:30 pm

Dave Karofsky wrote:
april wrote:Yeah I did provide minimal reasoning considering I had a lot more but I lost it so I just summed it up. Guess you didn't look over that too closely? In fact I noticed you specifically removed that part of my post. OK. If you really looked at what I said, you would notice that I noticed a connection that I felt was suspicious. I noted that I felt Kurt's past posting was poor but that recent posts that day gave him a more town outlook. Even though I did not outright state that later, I think it's a pretty clear assumption that his later posts reversed that trend.

Opportunistic? How can that be opportunistic when I was the first to vote him back on the day Emma was lynched? Opportunistic to continue voting who I thought was most like to be scum?

You usually push your number one scumread. In fact, I was about to hammer eMma and had declared my intent to hammer before you posted telling me to not to. Nice detail you forgot.

i didnt "specifically remove" anything from your post. i hate the passive implication that this is scummy (its not) and that you dont actually bother calling me out on it (prolly cuz you know its bs).
i simply quoted the part where you provided actual reasoning which was as you conceed was minimal. any "oh shit i lost my post" segment preceeding it is simply an outside factor that can neither be proven or disproven so i really am trying not to read into it either way. hence why i didnt include it.
even if you did lose your post this doesnt excuse the fact that you provided very little with regards to your shift from "i think kurt is town unless hes marleys partner" (def paraphrasing) to "hes scum". im not saying that such a shift couldnt be warranted based on his play just that you did not explain it at all which i find to be very antitown.

So all of a sudden there's this double standard that applies to me that did not apply to anyone else? Alright that's grade A bullshit.  I actually directly said that you didn't put that part in, so not sure what you are getting at with the "passive implication." By not including it because it is an "outside factor" is ridiculous. I fail to see how this is any different from Marley saying the same thing multiple times but no one called her out? I did explain the shift even though you keep saying I didn't. Just because you ignore the stuff I post doesn't mean it isn't there.

i guess opportunistic was the wrong word. what i was trying to convey was that it seemed strange to me you would vote kurt following the marley flip when based on your reads it would seem emma would be your top scumread. so it seemed to me like you were placing your vote on someone who people were suspicious of but who wasnt your scumpartner.
again the "nice detail you forgot" bit is more passive implication of my scumminess. but i dont really understand how you could think i look scummy for telling you not to hammer. i mean if you were really town and you actually had kurt as a higher scumread than emma wouldnt you want to hold off the hammer for the possibility that sunshine would switch and we would end up lynching your top scumread as well? the fact that you werent fighting for a lynch of your top scumread over your number two makes me think you were more concerned with bussing rather than actually lynching scum. and the fact that you imply im scum over this makes me think youre more concerned with forcing another mislynch than actually thinking things through from a town perspective.

Quit it with the "passive implication" bullcrap, there's nothing passive as I am being straight out honest. The snide remarks and the overall tone of "blah blah blah you dare call me out over something like that - preposterous!" is getting old. I wanted to hammer because both were fairly scummy to me, with kurt being moreso. There wasn't any reason not to hammer, and I didn't think sunshine was coming back, but you did, so I honored your request because I felt either outcome was probably ok. Saying I was more concerned with bussing and not lynching scum doesn't make sense because why the fuck would I be "concerned with bussing" when I'm a villager. Villagers don't bus. Kurt and Emma were always up there, 1 and 2, for my scumreads, and the fact that they switched shouldn't be a big deal, but I guess people love reading into shit that isn't there lol.

april wrote:1. It was a legitimate mistake and obviously there is no way to disprove that which really blows. I can't do much about it, but if we lose because of it I will be v. mad sigh.

2. So are you trying to say that mafiascum is an unreliable source for mafia terminology? I mean, I don't treat the site like a gospel, but in general, I would like to say they do know what they are doing. My clarification cleared up any miscommunication we had, so unless you are saying that mafiascum has no credible I don't get your point. And if you do think it isn't credible then I'll have to leave that to others to decide.

3. This is equivalent to saying "using your vote is strange." Would this be different if Emma had flipped village? I don't really see what's unreasonable given that townies use their vote since it is their only weapon, and given that the mafia is trying to blend in with the village they would do the same as well.

4. I would call this a stretch. I mean it's really all WIFOM, what if Emma assumed that you would figure that out and did that opposite etc? More plausibly, what if Emma did that on purpose so you could point that out to make me look worse?

The actions of Dave and his predecessor look the worst at the moment. The day 1 hammer isn't good considering the fact he said it would take him a while to figure out what to do, followed by an immediate hammer. And then there's the fact that he tried very hard to save Emma. It seems like a risky move that they probably thought could pay off due to Dave's upward trending stock (being seen as town), which makes sense given the situation (a partner getting lynched = 1 more mislynch). It seems like a risk the mafia could afford to take in that situation.

There's also the part where Emma probably talks about dave the least, which is usually how mafia tries to avoid any sort of connection-making - just by avoiding talking about each other, they disassociate from each other, something which seems like a very real possibility in this case.

1)this isnt even the bulk of my argument so small nitpick: i dont like how you imply it would be the reason "we lose"
2)im not at all saying that. are you even reading my argument? the fact of the matter is you provided "my definition" of tunneling when you called blaine out on it and then proceeded to say i was "misguided" about what tunneling meant and provided the mafiascum definition after i demonstrated a similar grasp of the concept of tunneling later. basically i think its very scummy that you used one definition to attack blaine and another definition to defend yourself and even recognized that the two definitions were quite different.
3)ill try ane expand on this in response to mercedes as well in a bit
4)mercedes made a good point on this so ill retract it. just through it out there and turns out i was off.

1 - But how is that true when previously all you have said against me involves this? Only now are you bringing up more shit (largely irrelevant but w/e)

2 - How hypocritical - you say this isn't a large part of your argument but you keep bringing it up. I've already explained this but I don't care to repeat it since you obviously have a very poor grasp of the English language.

3 - no response "lol"

4 - "I was wrong" "lol"

i do think the term wifom is thrown around a bit too much though. i feel like a lot of mafia can be construed as wifom and most of the game is really how you interpret it. like i could simply say that youre argument on emma talking the least about me is wifom. and that she could have done so in order for you to bring it up and cast aspersions on me. but if we are gonna constantly use these as a defense it basically amounts to "everything is speculation and everything can simply be scum leaving a false trail so lets just not talk about this game at all!"
but thats just a playstyle thing. rant over.

So are you trying to say something or what ?? If you are trying to say everything that happens is speculation you are quite "misguided" and pretty much wrong. Dunno what else to tell you. sorry

Whatever Mercedes should probably just hammer me considering sunshine isn't coming back and so even if she voted dave I would die based on the timing of the vote. can't believe you guys are going to mislynch again but oh well I guess I deserve it for playing like a shithead rofl! I can't tell if it's sunshine or dave but I guess that will be fun to figure out in lylo
April Rhodes
April Rhodes

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:32 pm

no Mercedes I'm not going to bother responding anymore because it's clear people are stuck within a certain mindset that is impossible to change. feel free to hammer me and get this game on to lylo

April Rhodes
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:33 pm

I should add that I really don't care anymore since I can't foresee anything actually changing (sunshine inactive, dave won't change his vote lol)

good luck I suppose
April Rhodes
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Sunshine Corazon Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:44 pm

I'm still here

April; That's like super hard to know what that comes from (both alignments have similar goals at this stage [not gettig lynched]) but it sounds genuine. I may unvote later today because I would like to re-read. My gut says not scum right now but the logic.....
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by Mercedes Jones Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:13 pm

April, I'm not stuck in a specific mindset, but I can't find any post clearly explaining why Kurt was a greater scumread than Emma (Not merely why he was scummy, specifically why he was more so than Emma). The only thing I found was this:

April Rhodes wrote:Kurt, why does my vote look opportunistic? You are my number scum read at the time and thus I voted you. I’m staking a claim that you are the most likely to be scum, something which seems to be more difficult for you. There is nothing opportunistic about it.

And as much as I think Emma is scum, your argument on how she voted Mike makes no sense at all (another example on posts being unclear & unhelpful). I don’t get the argument on “wanting to get people lynched,” and claiming that “she voted Mike and then voted Finn because a Mike lynch wasn’t working,” doesn’t make sense logically for me. How does saying “finn is likely mike partner” equivalent to pushing the lynch back on to mike ?? yeah, I don’t buy that argument.

Emma is still bad, and I’d hammer her but her l-1 posts were good I admit, even though they implicate me. The fact that she didn’t vote Kurt seems to indicate a willingness to stick with her reads and only follow a lynch she believes will hit scum (albeit her scum reads I disagree with lol). She makes a lot of claims backing them up with “that’s my opinion,” and no reasoning means they aren’t worth much. For instance she says how no day 2 content is bad but she doesn’t state why?? this is a recurring theme and that lack of explanation (as well as that read on Sebastian) is why I think she’s scum.
I feel confident on Kurt, but my second choice would be on emma. if you guys aren't interested in a kurt lynch, I will hammer emma within 15 to 30 minutes (in case anyone else decides to show up)

So you've pointed out good L-1 posts, specifically a willingness to stick to her reads as reasoning in her favour (which I assume to mean make her less scummy than Kurt).

The thing is that these reasons didn't apply when you first voted Kurt because Emma hadn't made those posts yet. Your posting today indicates that he was your #1 scumread. So I would like to know what made you go for him at that point.
Mercedes Jones
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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:19 am

Dave went from looking better to hitting the floor due to how poor his posts became. They wiped away (for me) any progress he may have made before. Obviously I didn't outline it clearly enough, but past in the past. Emma's stock on the other hand rose after some good posts enough to make me feel that Kurt was the worse of the two.

Kurt stated posting more vaguely and moved away from the specific arguments he was making towards generalities and strange topics. I mean, his mindset seemed to have completely shifted. The two posts in between my vote and Marley's lynch really looked to me to be avoiding any helpful discussion ie bringing up tunneling and suggesting dave and I were a team was strange in that it was a far-fetched conclusion w/o any backing, admitting to be a "little passive" but not "extremely," "dave is interesting but weak, I will look more into it," which he didn't. That shift from solid arguments to generalities pushed me over and made me feel he was scum. He changed from posting content to stuff that didn't make any sense and for the most part seemed like filler and wasteful.

ugh I ' m not sure why I bothered but I suppose I have to take any hope I have.

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Jungle Republic - Game Over - Page 32 Empty Re: Jungle Republic - Game Over

Post by April Rhodes Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:19 am

*Kurt went, my bad, mixed that up!
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