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Less Pressure - Game Over

Will Schuester
Noah Puckerman
Santana Lopez
Quinn Fabray
Lauren Zizes
Ryan Murphy
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Ryan Murphy Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:31 pm

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Last edited by Ryan Murphy on Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:23 am; edited 5 times in total
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:24 pm

Allow me to give you the full context of what my “defensive post” was responding to you.

Sue Sylvester wrote:This game is shit, it literally hurts to read it.

I blame it on RVS sucking, and everybody here seeming to think walls are the only way to convey information.

Santana Lopez wrote:Wooooooooow this thread may be the very definition of "tl;dr" seriously I got an F in English, throw me a bone here people!!!

My immediate reaction so far is that Tina Cohen-Chang is probably a villager but there are a couple things that make me question that. For one, I really really wish she would avoid the novels and keep it short and sweet. I mean, come on, who cares if he publicized not knowing how to quote posts or ranted about forum mafia? Like, really? Gosh, I didn't see anything scummy about that whatsoever. It just feels like clutter and makes it hard for the weak-willed to concentrate on the game.

Sue Sylvester wrote:
Wooooooooow this thread may be the very definition of "tl;dr" seriously I got an F in English, throw me a bone here people!!!
This, so, so much.

Will Schuester wrote:This thread is filled up with so many tl;drs. And my defense is that I lost my password and I just recently recovered access.

So no, it wasn’t in response to just you. And I still maintain I wasn’t being defensive but since we’re really just gonna end up repeating the same points over an over again because I apparently can’t get through to you, I’m not gonna bother responding to most of your latest. You’re wrong, and if you flip town I will be completely surprised.

If there is a VI, I feel like it’s Noah, especially considering the fact that Lauren threw her vote on him. If Noah is town then Lauren is scum, so the vote would make sense. I really don’t see another way that vote makes sense unless WIFOM mindgames stuff which I won’t get into.

@Will and the other townie: It is crucial the village is united on our vote. Otherwise it’s pretty much gg. So if you’re not gonna join the Santana wagon, provide reasoning as to why another lynch is better.

Unvote, vote Santana Lopez
Tina Cohen-Chang
Tina Cohen-Chang

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Lauren Zizes Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:04 pm

Ok I see what you mean now. Going by votecounts =/= a good idea.

With regards to your lynch on Noah, I saw it as entirely justified. Noah was playing largely anti-Town at the time (he still is!) and was seemingly one of the scummiest players in the game, what with his persistent inactivity which, as you noted, almost seemed calculated. As tenuous as it is, your votes on Noah and the subsequent shift to Quinn are what have made my opinion of you shift recently. The vote on Noah was decidedly pro-Town - "Stop being inactive and post some content" - but I always find it scummy when someone sticks to this argument for too long, as to me it comes off as scum trying to integrate by echoing pro-Town sentiment, and is much too easy a way to seem "pro-Town". The shift to Quinn showed that you weren't employing this, and is something I note personally as decidedly pro-Town.

My own vote on Noah came largely for the same reasons as you (little to no activity etc), and in retrospect I stick by my saying I'd have shifted my vote to Quinn following to back to back with you. In honesty though I find it almost a little awkward analysing my own lynch!

With regards to the current lynch, I'm sorry but I'm gonna stick to my guns with the current Noah lynch. I think the most condemning thing against Noah is the fact that, following his last post (which was frankly downright atrocious) he has completely disappeared. To me, this sounds like defeated scum who doesn't want to end up accidentally incriminating any of his team mates. I know that can be interpreted as WIFOM - "But he could be Town that has just given up!" - but to me it seems significantly more likely that he's scum in this scenario. The overplaying of the "inexperienced" gaff just seemed too forced to me, and it's something which I've become conscious of following current PO Mafia games - players relying on "being inexperienced" to excuse one or two slips. My problem with this is he's still playing on it this late into the game, when by any rights he should have picked up enough by now to not outright suck.
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Lauren Zizes Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:06 pm

Oh and my reasoning for my vote was exactly as it stands. Deadline is approaching so I put my vote on the player that I felt was most scummy. When I said "time to stop pussyfooting about", I meant it - Town needs to get shit done now.
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Kitty Wilde Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:31 pm

First off, sorry for the inactivity, I had irl stuff that I can't mention (might give away who I am).

Alright, regarding the lynch, after this discussion, I think Noah is the better lynch. I understand that he may be inexperienced, but he could at least attempt to be more active, and try to defend himself after the scum accusations against him.
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Kitty Wilde Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:33 pm

Oops clicked send by accident. Sorry for the double post, but due to reasons above lynch Noah Puckerman
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:23 pm

cool so lauren is scum and noah is the last vt. interesting twist.
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:29 pm

@Lauren, you know the logic were I pointed out how, to townies, one of tina or santana was scum? Yeah, that still stands unless I missed something. And seeing as how you townread tina, that means you must believe santana is scum, so why not vote them? Just saying, that combined with who tina's focused on and kitty joining you makes no sense with you as a village alignment. If you're village and voting noah, he can be scum or village. If village, kitty joining you would make sense for scum, but it means scum tina and santana are fighting each other, which makes no sense at all, so that can't be it. If noah is scum, then kitty can't be scum, wouldn't make sense to join you, so she's town, but wait, once again, thanks to the tina-santana, can't be true. Congratz, you're just eliminated every possible scenario were you're town. So, quick recap, Lauren-Santana-Kitty scum team is making a last ditch effort to vote out noah. Me and tina are voting santana so town doesn't lose, and we got our votes down first, so now it's all up to if noah/will shows up and place the third santana vote, or is santana goes through with the plan and places a vote first. either way, gg all.
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:34 pm

also, extension of reasoning, we can figure out santana and tina's alignment based on the tina lauren exchange. if they were both scum, it simply doesn't, in this context of lylo with an ICs support, make sense for them to disagree as scumbuddies. So they're separate alignment. And since we know lauren is scum, that means tina is town. Btw, despite lauren as scum being the most direct assumption that can be made, the vote on santana is due to priority on the vote which, at this late hour, is essential. And with the vote count analysis, the reasoning behind it was similar to the reasoning now with the exception that I took some liberties with assumption, likely case scenarios, and effort, and it was based around the assumption that tina was town, since I believed they should win. Now however, we have some much more solid reasoning to discover the scumteam.
Sue Sylvester
Sue Sylvester

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:37 pm

Nobody shows up: Town win
Santana shows up first and votes Noah: Scum win
Will/Noah shows up first and votes Santana: Town win
All three show up and cast their respective votes: Town win

Sounds pretty good.
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:40 pm

Also, if it is a lauren/tina scum team messing the fuck out of everything because they were active/smart, and both santana and noah are townies, then well fucking done, I'm seriously impressed.
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Santana Lopez Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:41 pm

Your logic makes no sense and is extremely flawed (they can't be scum because no two mafia players have ever bussed each other before).

If you're going to call people out for being dumb try not to be dumb yourself.
Santana Lopez
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:47 pm

mind saying a little more santana? And why buss in lylo when you can just vote a townie?
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Santana Lopez Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:47 pm

In case the first part is unclear your conclusion is based on the assumption that me and tina aren't bussing each other and/or that tina and lauren aren't bussing each other. Since that isn't a fact (as hard you try to make it to be, your entire argument falls apart).

Try reading my posts before saying they don't make sense because they actually do make sense, you're just to stupid to figure it out, which sucks because it means we lose because you can't read basic English.
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Santana Lopez Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:51 pm

Sue Sylvester wrote: And why buss in lylo when you can just vote a townie?

ummmmmmmmmmmmm are you ok voting a townie is pretty risky because if it fails the mafia pretty much automatically loses? I think it's very plausible that the mafia busses in this situation because the chances of lynching scum decrease the as the numbers go down. There's already a high chance they lose this lynch so it doesn't make sense for them to throw all the marbles into one bag when they can wait it out and improve their odds by bussing.
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:54 pm

Weren't you the one saying some shit about how defending yourself with expletives is bad, or am I misrepping? And tina and lauren bussing each other is never something I say unless I mistyped, sorry, and as for tina bussing you, that would imply you're both scum, and noah is also scum since in lylo it makes no sense to not vote him then. In that situation, a lynch on you or noah is still the best option.

Finally, if you claim to be town and so my voting you out is a loss, then you should vote noah so he gets lynched instead of you. Unless you think him and you are the two townies, in which case, see my post about well fucking done lauren/tina, because I'm not buying it.
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Santana Lopez Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:55 pm

do you consider dumb and stupid expletives
Santana Lopez
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Santana Lopez Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:00 pm

I saw your post about Tina / Lauren and I agree that it doesn't seem plausible but I'd like to check all my bases and do some re-reading before I make a final choice.
Santana Lopez
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:03 pm

In this case I'm using expletives as something which does nothing helpful for the sentence but which conveys emotion. Your usage of dumb and stupid do nothing but show emotion just as you called somebody else for using them.

And still, why not vote noah? To yourself, you should be confirmed town, while he should not. The only reason not to vote is if you're paranoid of the "scum" banned you'll be given, which shouldn't stop a townie. And considering your talk about scum probably losing the vote and bussing while you're being voted, you aren't helping your case.
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:04 pm

alright, thanks, get back to me on it when you're done. unfortunately inactivity is making this game pretty difficult, especially with time running out (4 hours left or something? the clock is broken for me), so while I doubt we alone could do anything, it'd still be nice to try.
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Santana Lopez Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:06 pm

I try to be concise sometimes at the expense of tone, so forgive me that I didn't type out "not being intelligent" instead of "too stupid"
Santana Lopez
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:07 pm

well, they mean the same thing, but in mafia, flinging "stupid" around gets you no where, regardless of who is actually right and who is wrong.
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Santana Lopez Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:08 pm

Tina Cohen-Chang wrote:
So no, it wasn’t in response to just you. And I still maintain I wasn’t being defensive but since we’re really just gonna end up repeating the same points over an over again because I apparently can’t get through to you, I’m not gonna bother responding to most of your latest. You’re wrong, and if you flip town I will be completely surprised.

If there is a VI, I feel like it’s Noah, especially considering the fact that Lauren threw her vote on him. If Noah is town then Lauren is scum, so the vote would make sense. I really don’t see another way that vote makes sense unless WIFOM mindgames stuff which I won’t get into.

@Will and the other townie: It is crucial the village is united on our vote. Otherwise it’s pretty much gg. So if you’re not gonna join the Santana wagon, provide reasoning as to why another lynch is better.

Unvote, vote Santana Lopez

You should be a lawyer. "I'm not going to bother arguing with you because your WRONG." i'm...wrong? And this is what I don't get about Tina. Everything she's ever done has been good and if you try and give an observation (and apparently if others echo such an observation) she immediately becomes upset. This is the only reason why I feel Tina might be scum, and with that, why she might be scum with Lauren.
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Santana Lopez Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:10 pm

oh so would saying "not being intelligent" be classified as an expletive as well
Santana Lopez
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Santana Lopez Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:10 pm

Give me like 30 minutes or so to figure out what I'd like to do btw
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 8 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:14 pm

Yeah, tina's kinda bad in that regard, but I think it's just some dumb pride/vanity complex. I think scum would go about taking questioning differently if they had the confidence/activity of tina. And yeah, I think saying "not being intelligent" would, by my definition, serve the exact same purpose. Generally, rather then saying somebody is stupid, which just causes tempers to flair (read: good thing for scum), I find the best thing to do is say why they're wrong, and then if you're getting nowhere stop talking to them and wait for the others to judge.
Sue Sylvester
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