PO Anonymous Mafia Tournament
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Less Pressure - Game Over

Will Schuester
Noah Puckerman
Santana Lopez
Quinn Fabray
Lauren Zizes
Ryan Murphy
10 posters

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Ryan Murphy Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:31 pm

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Last edited by Ryan Murphy on Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:23 am; edited 5 times in total
Ryan Murphy
Ryan Murphy
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Santana Lopez Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:26 pm

vote noah puckerman :/
Santana Lopez
Santana Lopez

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:50 pm

I'd really like to hear the mafia's thought process if I'm wrong about Santana being scum.
Sue Sylvester
Sue Sylvester

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:09 pm

Personally I know for certain that Santana is scum based on the fact that I know I am town. However, this doesn’t really help people so I’m gonna try and objectively show why it is very likely and nearly certain that Santana is scum.

If Santana were town, here are her possible fellow townies followed by a short explanation as to why this is impossible/unlikely.

Santana+Tina: Nearly impossible. This would mean both Kitty and Lauren are scum, and we can say with near certainty that were this the case, they would have hammered Santana by now.

Santana+Noah: Literally impossible. See above, but with the further addendum that I would be hammering Noah (who is at L1) right now.

Santana + Lauren: Unlikely. With an IC voting Santana, what reason would scum (in this hypothetical, Kitty) have for bussing a partner? Next to none.

Santana + Kitty: Unlikely. See above

Furthermore, due to play this game as a whole, I am more certain about this lynch than I have ever been in a game before (barring inspect results).

It is also apparent to me that a Santana/Kitty/Lauren scumteam almost a sure thing. I don’t believe that Kitty or Lauren would be attempting to lynch someone different than Sue if they were villager. Let’s look at the facts: there are 4 town players and 3 scum players. So as I’ve said, the scumteam only needs one town vote to drop a hammer. So why would a town player place their vote on someone other than the same person the IC is voting, thus doubling the chance that a town player is voting another town player, and allowing the scumteam one more opportunity to drop a hammer? This is something a town-alligned player would most likely not risk. However, both Kitty and Lauren have done so, and so I’m 99% certain both are scum

If Will doesn’t get on before the deadline..

Finally, I’m requesting an extension since Noah really should have been subbed out by now. Letting scum auto-win solely on activity is the dumbest way this game could possibly end. Please prove to be a better host than that!~~
Tina Cohen-Chang
Tina Cohen-Chang

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:27 pm

Thank you for clarifying what I said, makes much more sense that way.

And @Mod, If you do have it end that way, take it easy on the point redux's, k? going from +10/11 to -1 thanks to two players being inactive would really suck.
Sue Sylvester
Sue Sylvester

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:36 pm

waaaait, it would be +10/8(9) to -1. And I mean, tbf, it's not as fair to the mafia either, since I can almost guarantee that had said inactive been more active they wouldn't have gone for such an obvious other vote, but who knows. Point being, inactives suck.
Sue Sylvester
Sue Sylvester

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty DAY 2 DEADLINE

Post by Ryan Murphy Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:14 am

Sue Sylvester (0)
Tina Cohen-Chang (0)
Noah Puckerman (3) – Lauren Zizes, Kitty Wilde, Santana Lopez (L-1)
Santana Lopez (2) – Sue Sylvester, Tina Cohen-Chang (L-2)
Kitty Wilde (0)
Will Schuester (0)
Lauren Zizes (0)

7 people are playing. 4 votes are required to lynch a player.

Because this setup is nightless, if no player reaches 4 votes before the deadline, plurality will apply and the player with the most votes on them will be lynched.

In the event of a tie between players, whoever received the most votes first (measured starting with the last time they were affected by a vote or unvote) will be lynched.

Ryan Murphy
Ryan Murphy
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty ENDGAME

Post by Ryan Murphy Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:20 am

A win condition has been reached!


Sue Sylvester, Innocent Child, was endgamed.
Will Schuester, Innocent Child, was endgamed.
Tina Cohen-Chang, Vanilla Townie, was endgamed.


Lauren Zizes, Kitty Wilde, and Santana Lopez, Mafia Goons, were able to control half of the town and win!
Ryan Murphy
Ryan Murphy
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sebastian Hummel Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:30 am

Link to Mafia QT: http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/Vmw5SUSU7NiY

This was, frankly, a disaster of a game mainly due to inactivity. I'll be posting more thoughts on this later, but for right now you guys should know that we're going to take steps to remedy this in the next set, should you wish to join again.

Awards will also be given out later. Rest assured that effort in spite of inactivity will be rewarded.

In the meantime while you wait for the set to be over and for the alias info to be released then, feel free to check out the other games that are still running!

(Hint: You can apply to substitute in for inactive players in other games to try to regain points. We are in need at the moment.)

Last edited by Sebastian Hummel on Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:39 am; edited 1 time in total

Sebastian Hummel

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:37 am

lmao what a fucking stupid game
so fucking pissed you guys have no idea

Tina Cohen-Chang
Tina Cohen-Chang

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Santana Lopez Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:41 am

what a great game~
Santana Lopez
Santana Lopez

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Lauren Zizes Thu Jul 11, 2013 3:54 am

Fuck inactivity. In retrospect my best play would've been to vote Santana, but then I got it into my head I could shift the vote to Noah under the guise of "They're both scum!" and the argument that Noah was condemning himself more (which, can I just say, if you weren't all so high on IC-vote bias, would've been entirely true).
Lauren Zizes
Lauren Zizes

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:15 pm

This was, frankly, a disaster of a game mainly due to inactivity.
Says it all. Well, gratz scum, you're probably going to be at the top of the tournament board.
Sue Sylvester
Sue Sylvester

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Thu Aug 01, 2013 2:30 pm

Hi guys.
Sue = KX
Lauren = Marcello
other than that idk for sure so I'll keep my speculation to myself but I just wanted to say you guys were p obvious Wink
Tina Cohen-Chang
Tina Cohen-Chang

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sebastian Hummel Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:26 pm

Sebastian Hummel

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 9 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

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