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Less Pressure - Game Over

Will Schuester
Noah Puckerman
Santana Lopez
Quinn Fabray
Lauren Zizes
Ryan Murphy
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Ryan Murphy Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:31 pm

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Last edited by Ryan Murphy on Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:23 am; edited 5 times in total
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:02 am

Well will you look here, we've finally got activity. 

Seems like Will is a VI, this should go well. 

So far Kitty and Noah seem town.

Tina seems pretty bad after jumping on Lauren as they did, as what they did really isn't that bad. At that point there wasn't that much to say, and while Lauren was parroting, they were parroting really all there was to say. Meanwhile, every thing else they've done seems to be more activity indicative than alignment. 

Lauren, as mentioned, basically parroted, but at least they admitted it. What pisses me off about them at this point is that they still have yet to respond at all. Well, it would look worse if they made another post but didn't respond. Null currently.

Seriously guys, this is a town-sided set up, if you fuck this up, I'll be pissed.
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:52 am

How does Noah seem town I don't even..
Don't tell me you have the hots for him too!? *gasps*

"We've finally got activity".. if you can call ~Tinaspam~ activity then yes, but otherwise it still seems pretty dead to me. BOOKMARK BOOKMARK BOOKMARK PEOPLE! Very Happy

Yes I did jump on Lauren with little to no evidence, but isn't that what everything is at this stage in the game? I think I've actually given town something to talk about, whereas before the only useful bits were essentially coaching the ICs!~ Plus I found scum in the process so it really is a win-win :]
Tina Cohen-Chang
Tina Cohen-Chang

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:04 am

I did jump on Lauren with little to no evidence
I found scum in the process
Gratz on finding yourself Asian, you are truly a credit to the team.

And considering that for a while I was the only post in the thread, this is comparatively activity.
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:08 am

Oh yeah, as for Noah town, let's face it, he voted a confirmed town. Unless he's as dumb as you seem to be, I'd guess as scum he wouldn't do that for fear of the retribution it could cause. 

As for that being what you're supposed to do during this stage of the game, yes, it's a series of reaction tests. However, just because of that doesn't mean you can do something and then just say "it's what I was supposed to do," or "it was just a reaction test," as your only reasoning for it.
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:46 am

Sue Sylvester wrote:Oh yeah, as for Noah town, let's face it, he voted a confirmed town. Unless he's as dumb as you seem to be, I'd guess as scum he wouldn't do that for fear of the retribution it could cause. 

As for that being what you're supposed to do during this stage of the game, yes, it's a series of reaction tests. However, just because of that doesn't mean you can do something and then just say "it's what I was supposed to do," or "it was just a reaction test," as your only reasoning for it.

The first bit is so WIFOM it hurts. An obvious troll vote in RVS such as that is completely meaningless.

You're right that I lack evidence and you're right that saying "it was just a reaction test" can't be used as a blanket excuse. But the fact of the matter is town seemed content to dally about in RVS with the deadline rapidly approaching.

I really don't see why calling me dumb is necessary, resorting to personal insults really doesn't help. Scum and town will respond to shit like that equally. I had already begun to type out a pretty scathing response and it took a fair bit of self restraint to stop.

I know you're clean and you seem to be a fairly decent player but just realize that with you as the only really competent (or so it seems so far) IC, the town will for the most part be looking up to you. Saying things like "if you fuck this up I'll be pissed" exemplifies a bit of an elitist attitude. Don't go all Feg in GE on us is all I'm saying.

Hopefully I've communicated my points in a levelheaded fashion.

Its Tina~sleepytime, night~~!
Tina Cohen-Chang
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Sue Sylvester Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:35 am

Tina Cohen-Chang wrote:
The first bit is so WIFOM it hurts. An obvious troll vote in RVS such as that is completely meaningless. Technically everything is WIFOM, but that's for anther day. Also, even if it is WIFOM, that just means I can't use it to prove it to somebody else. I think it's enough to read them town for now. You asked why. That's my reason.

You're right that I lack evidence and you're right that saying "it was just a reaction test" can't be used as a blanket excuse. But the fact of the matter is town seemed content to dally about in RVS with the deadline rapidly approaching. Ok, so I'm right on all the reasons I name for saying you look bad. Anything more to say?

I really don't see why calling me dumb is necessary, resorting to personal insults really doesn't help. Scum and town will respond to shit like that equally. I had already begun to type out a pretty scathing response and it took a fair bit of self restraint to stop. How does this or a scathing response help the town at all? It just floods the thread with worthless information. And also, even aside from that, don't be so serious, it's just a game. 

I know you're clean and you seem to be a fairly decent player but just realize that with you as the only really competent (or so it seems so far) IC, the town will for the most part be looking up to you. Saying things like "if you fuck this up I'll be pissed" exemplifies a bit of an elitist attitude. Don't go all Feg in GE on us is all I'm saying. Buddying and repeating worthless information. And can confirm other IC is a nube, be nice to him. Also lol, tbf, I think Fege did pretty well. At least he made the game interesting!

Hopefully I've communicated my points in a levelheaded fashion. Mission accomplished. Now try again later but with better points.

Its Tina~sleepytime, night~~! Night! <3
Sue Sylvester
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Quinn Fabray Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:56 am

Forgot this forum existed for a bit >>

Reading through thread now
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Quinn Fabray Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:00 am

Kitty Wilde wrote:Whoa girl. 3 times a day is pretty extreme, you don't even see people posting every day in some of the games on PO. Though we do only have a week for d1...everybody needs to come out and talk some. Don't be shy Very Happy

As for Tina, a quadruple post right off the bat is very aggressive. Usually villagers go all out like that (although I would expect one of the ICs to do so) but you're the only one who has really posted content so far so it's hard to look at it in this isolation.

Kitty out.
(emphasis added)

Vote Kitty Wilde
Quinn Fabray
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Lauren Zizes Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:58 pm

@Tina; For one, I fully accepted what I was saying was entirely parroting and I'm not back pedaling on that one bit. What I was doing extra to that though, which you failed to comment on, was expanding on what you said. I did this because, at the time, the two confirmed Town players were taking an obvious back seat and neither of them were posting much at all, so I was outlining why it'd be a good idea for them to play more aggressively in case they were both inexperienced in the format and thought they could just 'sit back and relax' if they were cleaned Town.

@Quinn; This will be taken as solid buddying but your vote is really misplaced there and I don't understand. 'Usually villagers go all out like that' is a perfectly valid statement not indicative of alignment, if anything they're pretty much giving a town read on Tina (which I'd confer with). You're also skimming over the fact that they're outrightly saying 'We need to be more active', which is entirely town motivated and given you've only just started posting (with a pretty questionable alibi, given we were all PM'ed on the PO forums about this), and given the fact you're providing almost no basis for throwing someone under the bus you're if anything looking scum.

Unvote, Vote Quinn Fabray. Until you expand more on your reasoning, your action can only be seen as scum motivated in my eyes.

The Tina-Sue exchange struck me as strange and honestly made Tina lean scum in my eyes (waiting for OMGUS claim!) The fact they threw a WIFOM down to try and implicate Noah to an extent was weird as hell and reeks of zealous scum in my eyes. I also want to point out that Tina seemed pretty comfortable shifting into 'fluff posts' which irritated me somewhat.

As for my own inactivity I was caught up with real life shit which is resolved now so I'll be significantly more active.
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Lauren Zizes Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:59 pm

To clarify - the inconsistency in my Tina read developed as I was building my post as I read through the thread, so my 'Tina is leaning town' shit was at the moment of posting, before the Tina-Sue exchange which made Tina look more like scum in my eyes because of what was noted in the previous post.
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:29 pm

In response to Sue:

Ok, so I'm right on all the reasons I name for saying you look bad. Anything more to say?

That's not what I said, allow me to be more explicit.

I never said I agreed I looked bad for those reasons. I'm not disputing that I voted Lauren for little to no reason, but I had more reason for that vote than any other vote previous. Yes, I characterized it as "I'm sure of this" and "Not RVS" but this was simply to add pressure, which was unfortunately undone by you calling me out on it before I had a chance to see Lauren's response. If you insist on taking the vote at face value then I really don't know what to say to you.

I also agreed that saying I was "reaction testing" can't be used as a blanket excuse but I then proceeded to provide further reasoning for my actions. I wasn't very explicit and didn't elaborate, but essentially the play was intended to both reaction test and (even more so) push the town out of a completely non-serious RVS stage which was taking way longer than I liked given our short deadline (which has at least been partially successful!) So while I agree reaction testing can't be a blanket excuse, I wasn't using it as such.

I'm not really sure what's wrong with cautioning against personal insults.

And if you're really accusing me of buddying then lol. Maybe one line out of everything I've posted can be construed as such but take a step back and ask yourself if you really think I'm buddying with you.
Tina Cohen-Chang
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:37 pm

Now back to scumhunting:

@Quinn: Care to elaborate?

@Lauren: Your post really wasn't that bad, and I'm surprised so many people took that vote so seriously when I went out of my way to repetitively exaggerate my confidence in it.

I never really tried to implicate Noah, I'm simply saying that calling him town for something that I see as completely WIFOM seems silly.

Fluff is just me getting into character~~ Maybe I'm having a little too much fun with it and if it bothers people I'll stop ;]

I'd like for you to elaborate about what in Ms. Sue and I's exchange you found scummy. Anything other than what you already said?

Seems somewhat buddying-ish that you didn't find my actions scummy in the first place, but in light of an IC's opinions your views shift. Granted this is also somewhat natural for town, albiet a little less so.

Side note: its funny that I already have the two other active members in this thread pegged for their PO usernames.
Tina Cohen-Chang
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:39 pm

Oh and unvote.
Vote Santana Lopez

but seriously, contribute please
Tina Cohen-Chang
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Lauren Zizes Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:35 pm

I've never watched a single episode of Glee, so I guess I interpreted character-specific nuances as straight up fluff. My bad.

On the Noah thing I guess it's more direct opinion clash making me misinterpret the intent behind it. I can understand your viewpoint, but my own view on it simply seems to be that pulling shit like that as genuine scum would be far too bold for someone who we can probably (activity wise) assume is an inexperienced player (I know that's WIFOM to a degree in itself, but I'm working with what we got). 

The content in itself seems fine, but the intent behind it kinda bothered me. When you were saying stuff like 'You seem like a competent player', that began to ring alarm bells in my head as it could be seen as scum trying to play to the ego of a clearly proud player to try and lessen the heat on them (hell I've used this tactic myself before). So I suppose in a way your general tone and what I perceived as the intent behind your play was so strongly indicative of what I see as good defensive scum play that it rung a few warning signals for me. The intent behind your vote on me (incite genuine pressure, move Town out of RVS) is decidedly Town aligned though, I will concede that much, so I was probably a little hasty in saying you came out of it looking decidedly more scum.

On another note, my opinion shift came more from your responses than anything Sue posted (see above), and the shift in my post (such a bad mistake smh) came because of the way I was trying to get a post out and taking less time to ensure it was actually well constructed.

My posting style is probably far more indicative of who I am than I want it to be Sad
Lauren Zizes
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Quinn Fabray Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:09 pm

Buddying Tina (at the time most active player and probably most town-ish player too)
Looking at # of posts instead of actual post content is lazy analysis
Mostly fluff posts/stating the obvious instead of actually thinking
Looking for villager instead of scum
^^ reasons why Kitty is scum

Noah voting is a null read IMO (likeliest explanation is that he simply didn't see the IC declaration, either way anything else about this is too WIFOM to suggest anything, suboptimal play from either town or mafia viewpoint)

I agree that Tina feels a little scummy (mostly from post 261 https://poanon.forumotion.com/t12p30-less-pressure-day-1#261 , among other reasons)

Too many people are lurking, which makes it harder to find scum. In other words, people need to post more!

I'd like it if Noah and Santana could post something of value, at least before the day ends.
Quinn Fabray
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:59 pm

Lauren Zizes wrote:I've never watched a single episode of Glee, so I guess I interpreted character-specific nuances as straight up fluff. My bad.

On the Noah thing I guess it's more direct opinion clash making me misinterpret the intent behind it. I can understand your viewpoint, but my own view on it simply seems to be that pulling shit like that as genuine scum would be far too bold for someone who we can probably (activity wise) assume is an inexperienced player (I know that's WIFOM to a degree in itself, but I'm working with what we got). 

The content in itself seems fine, but the intent behind it kinda bothered me. When you were saying stuff like 'You seem like a competent player', that began to ring alarm bells in my head as it could be seen as scum trying to play to the ego of a clearly proud player to try and lessen the heat on them (hell I've used this tactic myself before). So I suppose in a way your general tone and what I perceived as the intent behind your play was so strongly indicative of what I see as good defensive scum play that it rung a few warning signals for me. The intent behind your vote on me (incite genuine pressure, move Town out of RVS) is decidedly Town aligned though, I will concede that much, so I was probably a little hasty in saying you came out of it looking decidedly more scum.

On another note, my opinion shift came more from your responses than anything Sue posted (see above), and the shift in my post (such a bad mistake smh) came because of the way I was trying to get a post out and taking less time to ensure it was actually well constructed.

My posting style is probably far more indicative of who I am than I want it to be Sad

I've never watched Glee either, but I guess I'm just enamored with this sort of alternate persona that Anon~mafia~funtime has allowed me to take on! <3 

If people want to interpret the Noah~vote~WIFOM as town leaning then that's fine. The problem I have with it is when someone calls him town because of it, when he has completely avoided posting content and done nothing indicative of having any sort of town interests.

Same goes for Santana obviously.

As for the "You seem like a competent player bit", I 100% get how you can see this in and of itself as buddying. But as I've already said, I think its clear from the rest of my posts that I'm not really worried about buddying. This was more of an attempt to avoid completely alienate a confirmed town player than anything. And on a personal level, what was really happening was I was biting back some of the more choice comebacks I had for Sue at the time, and said sentence was really just me overcompensating for my angry tone.

Hopefully people can continue to post specifics about what exactly about my play is scummy, because I can and will defend myself.
Tina Cohen-Chang
Tina Cohen-Chang

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:08 pm

Quinn Fabray wrote:Buddying Tina (at the time most active player and probably most town-ish player too)
Looking at # of posts instead of actual post content is lazy analysis
Mostly fluff posts/stating the obvious instead of actually thinking
Looking for villager instead of scum
^^ reasons why Kitty is scum

Noah voting is a null read IMO (likeliest explanation is that he simply didn't see the IC declaration, either way anything else about this is too WIFOM to suggest anything, suboptimal play from either town or mafia viewpoint)

I agree that Tina feels a little scummy (mostly from post 261 https://poanon.forumotion.com/t12p30-less-pressure-day-1#261 , among other reasons)

Too many people are lurking, which makes it harder to find scum. In other words, people need to post more!

I'd like it if Noah and Santana could post something of value, at least before the day ends.
Now onto the next post.

Glad to see some content from you Quinn, hopefully you can keep it up!~

I'm  not really sure what that last point concerning Kitty means ("Looking for villager rather than scum") means. Are you saying we shouldn't have townreads?

I'd like it if you could elaborate on why I'm scummy as well. Specifics are nice, since "feels a little scummy" is extremely non-committal and pretty typical of scumplay.

Also do you have even know what active lurking means? It means they're around, i.e. viewing the thread, but not posting. I have rarely seen anyone online but not posting, so if this is what you mean and you can substantiate this claim then that evidence would be really helpful to the town!

The only person I've seen "active lurking" is Kitty actually. I saw her viewing without posting, but this was yesterday after posting not even like 2 posts ago so I didn't call her on it. Don't wanna start a catfight! I see you viewing again now, Kitty (you were viewing even before my last post and I just went back and refreshed and didn't see a post from you), so hopefully we'll get content from you asap!
Tina Cohen-Chang
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:10 pm

I would love to hear from Noah, Santana and Will concerning thoughts on the game.

For the mod: is there any sort of prod system? Can we put one in place? This is honestly really shitty especially with just over 3 days left till the deadline.
Tina Cohen-Chang
Tina Cohen-Chang

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:12 am

Well, that's nice.

Both Kitty and Noah were online, and neither posted. We actually do have some major active lurking going on here.

Unvote, vote Noah Puckerman

Why did I catch you online without posting? Thoughts on Quinn, Lauren and Kitty?

@Kitty: Same goes for you, with the further addendum that you had accusations to respond to: why were you online but didn't post? Only reason I'm voting Noah over you is because you've actually contributed some while he has not. Thoughts on Quinn, Noah and Lauren?

Still waiting on Santana, don't think that because I took my vote off I'm forgetting! <3

Also would love to hear from Will~~
Tina Cohen-Chang
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Kitty Wilde Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:18 am

Lauren Zizes wrote:@Quinn; This will be taken as solid buddying but your vote is really misplaced there and I don't understand. 'Usually villagers go all out like that' is a perfectly valid statement not indicative of alignment, if anything they're pretty much giving a town read on Tina (which I'd confer with). You're also skimming over the fact that they're outrightly saying 'We need to be more active', which is entirely town motivated and given you've only just started posting (with a pretty questionable alibi, given we were all PM'ed on the PO forums about this), and given the fact you're providing almost no basis for throwing someone under the bus you're if anything looking scum.

Unvote, Vote Quinn Fabray. Until you expand more on your reasoning, your action can only be seen as scum motivated in my eyes.

The Tina-Sue exchange struck me as strange and honestly made Tina lean scum in my eyes (waiting for OMGUS claim!) The fact they threw a WIFOM down to try and implicate Noah to an extent was weird as hell and reeks of zealous scum in my eyes. I also want to point out that Tina seemed pretty comfortable shifting into 'fluff posts' which irritated me somewhat.

Lauren seems to like drawing attention to her own buddying and things she says that could be interpreted as scum tells, as I pointed out in bold : o Overly self-conscious? 

Quinn does look shifty though cause after she posted a confirmation she somehow 'forgot' the topic existed until now, maybe trying to lurk until we called out inactives.

Tina Cohen-Chang
I know you're clean and you seem to be a fairly decent player but just realize that with you as the only really competent (or so it seems so far) IC, the town will for the most part be looking up to you. Saying things like "if you fuck this up I'll be pissed" exemplifies a bit of an elitist attitude.

That's basically the only thing I saw buddying in here but the second half is "be a good example, don't do stuff like that"

Why is buddying on an IC's opinion 'natural for town,' Tina?

Quinn Fabray
Buddying Tina (at the time most active player and probably most town-ish player too)
Looking at # of posts instead of actual post content is lazy analysis
Mostly fluff posts/stating the obvious instead of actually thinking
Looking for villager instead of scum
^^ reasons why Kitty is scum

Noah voting is a null read IMO (likeliest explanation is that he simply didn't see the IC declaration, either way anything else about this is too WIFOM to suggest anything, suboptimal play from either town or mafia viewpoint)

I agree that Tina feels a little scummy (mostly from post 261 https://poanon.forumotion.com/t12p30-less-pressure-day-1#261 , among other reasons)

Too many people are lurking, which makes it harder to find scum. In other words, people need to post more!

I'd like it if Noah and Santana could post something of value, at least before the day ends.

(The format of this forum is icky and my quotes are probably going to be all messy :/)
Where am I buddying Tina? In that post you were quoting me I was disagreeing with the activity thing and bringing attention to the quadruple post which as I said seemed like aggressive town but because there was basically little else other than RVS it was a pretty bare opinion anyways.
Your second point I basically addressed in the earlier sentence, the only things I could draw from there were the vote on Lauren and the call for (three times a day haha that's cute) activity.
I'm sorry but I'm not seeing the fluff. You might be talking about my comment on Noah but I'm letting him know that a dumb vote on an IC expecting us to disregard it isn't going to happen.
Scum doesn't need to look for villagers because they know their team. I basically just said I saw Tina as very slight town from her posts.

Speaking of parroting you're basically citing Sue's reasons on your scum feeling of Tina, explain more honey.

Another call to activity, we've all done it now so I see nothing out of that really (but seriously where are the other two. And Will).
Kitty Wilde
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Kitty Wilde Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:22 am

Tina dear, don't panic, sometimes I leave this tab open and go do other stuff, then start working on a post, go away again, etc. Like just a few moments ago, when I went to get something to eat in the middle of typing up my post there!

I'm just posting this now because you seem really eager to see posts from me and I'm giving you the explanation on my 'active lurking' ASAP while I go reply to some other posts~
Kitty Wilde
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Kitty Wilde Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:36 am

Thoughts on Quinn, Noah and Lauren?
Quinn – Putting effort into scumhunting, that’s always good, except I feel her points against me were a bit weak and like I said in my earlier bigger post, subtle parroting with the IC against you. Mostly null, maybe slight scum. Can’t forget the whole “I forgot this forum existed” thing she said after her confirmation post.
Noah – Still hasn’t posted, and idk why not :c I can’t really have an opinion on him because it’s just a confirmation and a post voting the IC (silly willy), although I am taking his avoidance into suspicion. Maybe he’ll post since you said he’s on and then I can say more about him!

Lauren – I see several instances of buddying which is unlike the person I think Lauren is although she’s explained the first instance, the one you accused her on when you voted her, pretty well. Her suspicion of Quinn I thought was fairly justified at the time (when she didn’t really say anything explaining why she voted me, although I did go on after Quinn’s explanation). I like how she was continuing to point out things in your posts to keep you on your toes although after rereading her posts I can’t really see what she’s trying to get at, almost as if she was posting without content, know what I mean?
Kitty Wilde
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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Tina Cohen-Chang Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:30 am

Kitty Wilde wrote:Why is buddying on an IC's opinion 'natural for town,' Tina?

Since what I said seems scummier paraphrased, here's what I said verbatum:

Tina Cohen-Chang wrote:Seems somewhat buddying-ish that you didn't find my actions scummy in the first place, but in light of an IC's opinions your views shift. Granted this is also somewhat natural for town, albiet a little less so.

People's views can change in light of other people's opinions, and my main point is that this is particularly likely to happen if the other person in question happens to be guaranteed town.

Saying that I was referring to buddying is strawmanning to some extent but I can see where the confusion is drawn from.

Also concerning active lurking: that's a perfectly reasonable explanation and just the sort of thing I was looking for~~ Sorry if I came off as brusque but I'm just trying to get things done and questions answered!
Tina Cohen-Chang
Tina Cohen-Chang

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Lauren Zizes Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:51 am

At this point select players are really, really harming the Village with their prolonged inactivity. If Tina's claims are true and, Noah was indeed active lurking, then that is very circumspect especially considering his only action thus far was to place down a troll vote on an IC. Unvote, Vote Noah Puckerman. Get your shit together and post so more otherwise I have no qualms going through with this vote, severely hurting the Town's chances in a game skewed this far in Town's favour is fucking ridiculous and I can only see it is scum play.
Lauren Zizes
Lauren Zizes

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Less Pressure - Game Over - Page 2 Empty Re: Less Pressure - Game Over

Post by Lauren Zizes Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:55 am

Oh and since the whole 'Analyse intent not content' shit that I was getting at earlier was interpreted as 'posting without content', what I was getting at is that more experienced players in this format know that, as scum or Town, scumhunting is imperative to appearing Town, and as such good players can make very town-aligned posts regardless of alignment, so I've begun to look more at the possibilities for the intent behind their content (i.e. 'You seem like a really experienced player and are confirmed Town so I'll roll with you' can have the intent of 'You're a confirmed Town player who has shown a degree of an ego, so I'll appeal to it and hopefully lessen the heat on me to an extent' [which is what I was getting at earlier])
Lauren Zizes
Lauren Zizes

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